
I've been testing the CVS version of OJB to solve a problem we have with
one of our applications. It seems that in memory locking is not working
properly. Here's some trivial test case.

package com.whatever;

import java.util.List;
import junit.framework.*;
import org.apache.ojb.odmg.OJB;
import org.odmg.Database;
import org.odmg.Implementation;
import org.odmg.OQLQuery;
import org.odmg.Transaction;

public class PersistenciaTest extends TestCase {
  public PersistenciaTest(String testName) {
  public void testOJB() throws Exception {
    Implementation ojb = (Implementation) OJB.getInstance();
    Database db = ojb.newDatabase();
    db.open("myalias#user#pass", Database.OPEN_READ_WRITE);
    Transaction tx = ojb.newTransaction();
    OQLQuery query = ojb.newOQLQuery();
    query.create("select o from com.whatever.MyClass where id = 1");
    List lista = (List) query.execute();
    if (lista.size() > 0) {
      Object obj = lista.get(0);
      tx.lock(obj, Transaction.WRITE);
    query = ojb.newOQLQuery();
    query.create("select o from com.whatever.MyClass where id1 = 1");
    lista = (List) query.execute();
    if (lista.size() > 0) {
      Object obj = lista.get(0);
      tx.lock(obj, Transaction.WRITE); // HERE should throw
LockNotGrantedException but does not
  protected void setUp() throws Exception {
  protected void tearDown() throws Exception {

To get things worse, in 1.0.3 locking works fine with WRITE, but if I
try to acquire a READ lock it behaves as it were WRITE, so I get

I'm using read-uncommitted level isolation.

Thank you.

José María

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