
i need help to run the ojb_blank projekt (i try with mysql & hsql, same errors)
If i configure it like the tutorial says, i get in eclipse some errors:
first, i get a lot of errors like this:

[ojbdoclet] 2007-08-29 13:35:28,017 [main] INFO xdoclet.XDocletMain.start - Running <ojbrepository/> [ojbdoclet] Error parsing File /home/hnovak/eclipse-workspace/osfaktura/src/java/AfterBuyImport.java:Lexical error: xjavadoc.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 11, column 1. Encountered: "@" (64), after : "" [ojbdoclet] Error parsing File /home/hnovak/eclipse-workspace/osfaktura/src/java/de/repcom/osfaktura/core/partner/Partner.java:Encountered "<" at line 255, column 22.
[ojbdoclet] Was expecting one of:
[ojbdoclet]     <IDENTIFIER> ...
[ojbdoclet]     "[" ...
[ojbdoclet]     "." ...
[ojbdoclet]     "(" ...

at the line 255 in Partner.java is Collection<Task> col ...
It sounds like, that it can recognize the Java 5/6 notation.
The "project-schema.xml/sql" is not written correctly. On some classes it miss the foreign-key statements. If i cut the java 5/6 notation out from Collection in the java classes, then it writes it correctly with foreign-key statements.

Then i get these errors:

   [echo]       Executing the create-db.sql script ...
[echo] [sql] Executing resource: /home/hnovak/eclipse-workspace/osfaktura/build/database/create-db.sql [sql] Failed to execute: ECHO Not implemented [sql] java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected token: ECHO in statement [ ECHO]
    [sql] 1 of 2 SQL statements executed successfully
[torque-sql-exec] Our new url -> jdbc:hsqldb:build/database/ojb_blank
[torque-sql-exec] Executing file: /home/hnovak/eclipse-workspace/osfaktura/build/database/project-schema.sql [torque-sql-exec] Failed to execute: drop table PARTNER if exists; ... (SNIP REST OUT) ... [torque-sql-exec] Executing file: /home/hnovak/eclipse-workspace/osfaktura/build/database/ojbcore-schema.sql [torque-sql-exec] Executing file: /home/hnovak/eclipse-workspace/osfaktura/build/database/shutdown.sql
[torque-sql-exec] 2 of 3 SQL statements executed successfully
Total time: 6 seconds

If i do a: "mysql db <./project-schema.sql" (and the other two sql scripts) it works fine (except for the "foreign key" statements, i wrote above)


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