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Armin Waibel schrieb:
Hans Novak wrote:
Armin Waibel schrieb:

Think this is problem caused by xdoclet itself, because the error starts with
error: xjavadoc.TokenMgrError:
I suppose you need a Java5/6 compatible xdoclet version (xjavadoc).
hmmm... where can i get it ?
I use under Linux the latest SUN Java SDK with eclipse and the latest ojb_blank, nothing more ..

The xdoclet modules are included in OJB (see [db-ojb]/lib directory).

The (xdoclet,xjavadoc) issue below seems very similar to yours

You can try the link below to get a xjavadoc-1.5 snapshot (this may solve your xjavadoc problem): http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/xdoclet/xjavadoc-1.5-snapshot050611.jar?download

This error always pop up when using hsql. Simply ignore it.
i use mysql - not hsql (i have try it too, but the same error)
It looks like, that the sql file will be executed on the command line with bash interpreter (and not something like "mysql -u whatever -p ...< [sql-file]" )

Running torque/ddlutils can cause some drop-table error logs at the first time run, when tables do not exist (running hsql with in-memory mode this always happens).
i understand, but again, i use mysql.

There are some things i cant understand:
If i run the buildfile with target "create-db" it will try to create the db and creates succsessfull the SQL Files - BUT forgets some XML Files to create/change (sometimes). I must every time run first the target "build" and then the "create-db" - althought create-db depends on build ... !?
In other words:
if i run the target "create-db" some times, with existing xml Files, these files will not be overwritten, only when i run the "build" target.
Ok, this ist not a big problem, but i dont know why.

hmm, sounds like an override issue. Maybe only the "build" task remove the old files completely and replace it by new ones.

The other thing (and for me a much more problem)
the ant task forget foreign keys of the classes.
I think, there is somewehre a problem in the java File - NOT in ojb / builder, but i dont get any error, something like "a field ist not persistent" or similar. My Java code is very big - i am desperating to find the error in the code, if the ant task dont help me....


p.s. is there a chance to write in german ? (english is very hard to me)

No sweat! Schreib einfach direkt an mich.


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