Thanks for all the feedback folks!

As I mentioned in the other thread, we're working on making great slides
and documents and other materials to share the strategy through this
summer, alongside fleshing out some of the implementation details and so
on.  So feedback is very helpful at this stage and we'll take it on board
as we revise and improve things.

In particular I agree we should add something about collaboration to the
last slide; and perhaps change the heading there.  I've found this slide
has been useful when talking to people who (correctly!) point out that
there are many more organisations in the "open" area than there used to be,
and who ask for clarification on how the Open Knowledge Foundation is
different from the others.

So thank you, and do keep the comments coming,



Dr Laura James

Co-Director  | skype: laura.james  |  @LaurieJ <>

The Open Knowledge Foundation <>

Empowering through Open Knowledge  |  @okfn <>  |  OKF on
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On 21 July 2013 04:33, Rob Myers <> wrote:

> On 20/07/13 14:47, Nick Stenning wrote:
>> Similarly -- I can't stand Google Docs. Really, I can't. But what's the
>> viable open-source alternative?
> It depends what you're doing.
> And another +1 to Tim's comment. The OKF's core proposition is, as the
> slides apparently say, that Open is natural and good. Where it fails to
> embody this it undermines its message and its mission.
> - Rob.
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