davidhurka marked an inline comment as done.
davidhurka added a comment.

  I have figured out, what was going on in the QToolButton.
  KActionMenu::createWidget() added itself as default action. Then, 
CheckableActionMenu::createWidget() adds another action as default action. 
Then, the QToolButton has two actions, and builds a menu of them, instead of 
using the given menu.
  Now I remove the KActionMenu in CheckableActionMenu::createWidget(), so there 
is only my default action left. Then, QToolButton::setMenu() apparently works.

  R223 Okular


To: davidhurka, #okular, #vdg
Cc: GB_2, davidre, aacid, ngraham, okular-devel, joaonetto, tfella, darcyshen

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