davidhurka added a comment.

  In D21195#477747 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D21195#477747>, @ngraham wrote:
  > OK, got to test this out. It works well! I would recommend making the 
toolbar button show the text of the actual color change mode that's currently 
active, much like how the selection tools toolbar button currently does. 
Otherwise you won't know which mode it will invoke.
  Good idea. I’m currently trying to generalize CheckableActionMenu to use the 
same class for Selection tools. It also changes it’s default action when one of 
the actions is triggered.
  This implies that the last selected color mode action has to be unchecked. 
And that means that it will not be visible in the Color Mode menu, which color 
mode was used last, because (o) Do not Change Colors will be checked instead. 
In the toolbar button, it would be visible of course.
  Or what is your idea?
  Does not really work, because CMake thinks it has to rebuild eeeeeeeverything 
eeeeeeeeverytime, which takes about an hour...

  R223 Okular


To: davidhurka, #okular, #vdg
Cc: GB_2, davidre, aacid, ngraham, okular-devel, joaonetto, tfella, darcyshen

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