ngraham added a comment.

  That's not a bad icon, but again, I think we owe it to the app developers to 
be as true to the original icon as possible. That text-origami-bird icon is 
cool, but it has nothing to do with Kate's original icon. The HIG specifically 
recommends against this:
  >  When creating a Breeze theme version of an existing app’s icon, is 
critically important that the icon’s existing brand and visual style be 
preserved. The goal is to create a Breeze version of the icon, not something 
completely new and different.
  For example, here's Okular's original icon: F6517594: okular.png 
  Here's the Deepin icon theme version of it, as @filipf pointed out up-thread:
  F7378824: Okular-deepin.png <>
  IMO this version of the icon is both much better than the Breeze icon 
version, and also more true to the original. That's the kind of thing we should 
strive for with Breeze icons. If we want to make a totally new icon, it needs 
to be done in coordination with the app's developers and have their approval.


To: ngraham
Cc: IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, ognarb, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

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