ngraham added a comment.

  In T10243#202038 <>, @mglb wrote:
  > We already explicitly suggest to make 48px application icons only 
<> (only few have more sizes). 
Titlebar and taskbar use ~22px icons, so you can either get bad looking small 
icons, or give up with nice details on 48px ones.
  Potentially bad-looking small app icons is an acceptable price to pay IMO.


To: ngraham
Cc: Leon0402, IohannesPetros, alex-l, starbuck, cullmann, IlyaBizyaev, arrowd, 
abetts, stikonas, knauss, mglb, filipf, mludwig, aacid, lesliezhai, 
elvisangelaccio, kossebau, trickyricky26, ndavis, yurchor, #kde_games, #ark, 
#kde_pim, #discover_software_store, #yakuake, #kate, #okular, #gwenview, 
#konsole, #kde_applications, #vdg, ngraham, cblack, konkinartem, ian, jguidon, 
hannahk, Ghost6, jraleigh, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, squeakypancakes, alexde, GB_2, 
crozbo, firef, alexeymin, skadinna, genaxxx, aaronhoneycutt, jriddell, 

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