Woot! Hamilton stepped up! Thanks Ham! Rowen's signed up as well. Awesome.
Thanks guys!

Last time I talked to Tessa she mentioned that the room has a cable internet
line no wifi access.
So we do need the WAP for the training.

Let's talk next week to get everyone's availabilities for the training so we
can schedule
the classes accordingly? I'm pretty much available to Skype anytime after
6pm my time next week.

Any takers for the hardware portion?

Thanks again guys!
Cherry (on behalf of Lubang School and eKindling)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hamilton Chua <hamilton.c...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: Need help with the training this April
To: Cherry Withers <cwith...@ekindling.org>

Hi Cherry,

I can help with A. I have a lower power atom based (easy to carry
around) computer which I built into a NAS box. With a spare 80GB hard
drive and fedora, I can repurpose it into an XS we can use for training.

I wonder if we will have internet or a LAN in the venue. I have a spare
8 port 10/100Mbps switch and an old Linksys 802.11b wireless router
which we can use.



On Thu, 2010-03-18 at 15:56 -0700, Cherry Withers wrote:
> Hi folks,
> (PAGING Carlos, Rowen and Hamilton and anyone else who have done
> XO/Sugar work)
> I'm going back home to the Philippines after 17 years of absence. I
> always thought I won't do this until I'm given a compelling enough
> reason to do so. I think affecting some changes on our education
> system in the Philippines (however small or big that may be) is
> compelling enough. So I'm heading back home this April to lend a hand
> in preparing the teachers in Lubang for the pilot deployment in June.
> But I need  help especially from those who have experience playing
> with the laptop and Sugar.
> Tessa Yuvienco will work with the teachers on prepping them on how the
> technology will change the dynamics of the classroom (classroom
> management, curriculum integration, etc.). Harvey volunteered to do
> some second tier hardware support training (this is for training the
> technical support team who will be the main contact when hardware
> breaks) but his time is limited so he can only go over a handful of
> things. I can go over most of the things that's not covered but it
> would be great to break up the task. Mitch Seaton from OLPC-Aus will
> lend his support during the deployment and do a refresher course on
> what we talk about in April. Here are some of the bigger areas that we
> need help on:
> A) XS server training and support (I'm working on getting us the ideal
> hardware for this before I go home and OLPC-SF said that they can help
> but just in case, maybe someone can look into getting us a set-up even
> if it's just for the span of the training?). This is for teaching the
> teachers and students on how to log in and use the XS server and
> Moodle.
> B)* Detailed hardware debugging and repair. The hardware trouble
> shooting and repair training will likely be broken up into two tiers:
> 1st Tier: this will be a simple diagnosis that we can teach the
> technical support team including teachers and kids. Maybe just how to
> recognize trouble signs and to know how to articulate the problem to
> the tech support team.
> 2nd Tier (only for Tech support team): More detailed training on how
> to trouble shoot, debug and do quick repairs. We still have to figure
> out up to how much complexity of repairs the tech support team in
> Lubang can handle. We may add a third tier to the support or just
> escalate the hardware problems to OLPC main.
> *Note: any guidance on this part would be truly appreciated.
> The training will be from April 12-21st with the last two days
> dedicated to the Muscovado project and training in content creation
> using Etoys. Unfortunately space is limited (this is venue and
> hardware issue) to just the participants of the two pilots but let me
> or Ryan know if you'd like to get involved long term to the projects
> and we'll try to accommodate as much as we can possibly can.
> Thank you for your support!
> Sincerely,
> ---Cherry
> P.S. So far we have 6 XOs that we are guaranteed to have, but we could
> use more as there will be 12 participants in the Lubang project. If
> you have some hardware that you can lend that will be great. The
> teachers will need them till their laptops come in around late July or
> early August.
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