Hi Cherry and All,

Plz let me introduce Gerald Ardito, he's from Pierre Van Cortlandt Middle
School in Croton, Hudson NY.  Ryan and I ...had a chance to visit their
first deployment.

Gerald plz meet the team.

Just got a word from him...he'll join Mitch in traveling to the Philippines
for the deployment.  Right ...Gerald? :)

Gerald: Plz feel free to join our mailing list.



On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Cherry Withers <cwith...@ekindling.org>wrote:

> Hi folks,
> (PAGING Carlos, Rowen and Hamilton and anyone else who have done XO/Sugar
> work)
> I'm going back home to the Philippines after 17 years of absence. I always
> thought I won't do this until I'm given a compelling enough reason to do so.
> I think affecting some changes on our education system in the Philippines
> (however small or big that may be) is compelling enough. So I'm heading back
> home this April to lend a hand in preparing the teachers in Lubang for the
> pilot deployment in June. But I need  help especially from those who have
> experience playing with the laptop and Sugar.
> Tessa Yuvienco will work with the teachers on prepping them on how the
> technology will change the dynamics of the classroom (classroom management,
> curriculum integration, etc.). Harvey volunteered to do some second tier
> hardware support training (this is for training the technical support team
> who will be the main contact when hardware breaks) but his time is limited
> so he can only go over a handful of things. I can go over most of the things
> that's not covered but it would be great to break up the task. Mitch Seaton
> from OLPC-Aus will lend his support during the deployment and do a refresher
> course on what we talk about in April. Here are some of the bigger areas
> that we need help on:
> A) XS server training and support (I'm working on getting us the ideal
> hardware for this before I go home and OLPC-SF said that they can help but
> just in case, maybe someone can look into getting us a set-up even if it's
> just for the span of the training?). This is for teaching the teachers and
> students on how to log in and use the XS server and Moodle.
> B)* Detailed hardware debugging and repair. The hardware trouble shooting
> and repair training will likely be broken up into two tiers:
> 1st Tier: this will be a simple diagnosis that we can teach the technical
> support team including teachers and kids. Maybe just how to recognize
> trouble signs and to know how to articulate the problem to the tech support
> team.
> 2nd Tier (only for Tech support team): More detailed training on how to
> trouble shoot, debug and do quick repairs. We still have to figure out up to
> how much complexity of repairs the tech support team in Lubang can handle.
> We may add a third tier to the support or just escalate the hardware
> problems to OLPC main.
> *Note: any guidance on this part would be truly appreciated.
> The training will be from April 12-21st with the last two days dedicated to
> the Muscovado project and training in content creation using Etoys.
> Unfortunately space is limited (this is venue and hardware issue) to just
> the participants of the two pilots but let me or Ryan know if you'd like to
> get involved long term to the projects and we'll try to accommodate as much
> as we can possibly can.
> Thank you for your support!
> Sincerely,
> ---Cherry
> P.S. So far we have 6 XOs that we are guaranteed to have, but we could use
> more as there will be 12 participants in the Lubang project. If you have
> some hardware that you can lend that will be great. The teachers will need
> them till their laptops come in around late July or early August.
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