Hello Andreas,
At the first time i couldnt started mkeventd .. ther comes an error ... 
then i've  installed an python package:  python-pysnmp-common 
And now i'm able to   start the deamon...  so i stopped omd and  then i started mkeventd  with the following syntax :
/omd/sites/SBA2/bin/mkeventd -gv  --debug  --verbose --snmptrap   -P /omd/sites/SBA2/tmp/run/mkeventd/pid -S /omd/sites/SBA2/tmp/run/mkeventd/status   -C /opt/omd/sites/SBA2/etc/check_mk/
is this right ? 
best regards john 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 08. März 2017 um 13:08 Uhr
Von: "Andreas Döhler" <andreas.doeh...@gmail.com>
An: firesk...@web.de, omd-users@lists.mathias-kettner.de
Betreff: Re: [omd-users] Where i can see incoming smmp Traps in OMD ?
Without the raw trap content it is very difficult to see the problem. As mentioned before the trap has some illegal content.
This content cannot be decoded with PyAsn1.
You can add some debug output to the mkeventd - running in foreground for example to see what it is doing.
The "whole_msg" string would be interesting. 
Best regards
<firesk...@web.de> schrieb am Mi., 8. März 2017 um 12:46 Uhr:
Any other ideas ? 
I don't want to get rid of the snmp function from mkeventd in OMD.
Here again  are  the main error Lines :
[1488528430.390022] Exception handling a snmptrap (skipping this one): Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/omd/sites/SBA2/bin/mkeventd", line 1299, in serve
    self.process_raw_data(self.process_snmptrap, self._snmptrap.recvfrom(65535))
  File "/omd/sites/SBA2/bin/mkeventd", line 1327, in process_raw_data
  File "/omd/sites/SBA2/bin/mkeventd", line 1132, in process_snmptrap
    req_msg, whole_msg = pyasn_decoder.decode(whole_msg, asn1Spec = proto.Message())
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/decoder.py", line 825, in __call__
    stGetValueDecoder, self, substrateFun
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/decoder.py", line 342, in valueDecoder
    component, head = decodeFun(head, asn1Spec)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/decoder.py", line 825, in __call__
    stGetValueDecoder, self, substrateFun
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/decoder.py", line 50, in valueDecoder
    value, _ = decodeFun(head, asn1Spec, tagSet, length)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/decoder.py", line 831, in __call__
    '%s not in asn1Spec: %s' % (tagSet, asn1Spec)
PyAsn1Error: [0:0:6]+[128:32:4] not in asn1Spec: TagMap:
[untagged] -> PDUs {
 "get-request" = [128:32:0] -> GetRequestPDU {
  "request-id" = [0:0:2] -> Integer32
  "error-status" = [0:0:2] -> Integer
  "error-index" = [0:0:2] -> Integer
  "variable-bindings" = [0:32:16] -> VarBindList {
   [0:32:16] -> VarBind {
    "name" = [0:0:6] -> ObjectName
    "" = [untagged] -> _BindValue {
     "value" = [untagged] -> ObjectSyntax {
      "simple" = [untagged] -> SimpleSyntax {
       "integer-value" = [0:0:2] -> Integer
       "string-value" = [0:0:4] -> OctetString
       "objectID-value" = [0:0:6] -> ObjectIdentifier
      "application-wide" = [untagged] -> ApplicationSyntax {
       "ipAddress-value" = [64:0:0] -> IpAddress
       "counter-value" = [64:0:1] -> Counter32
       "timeticks-value" = [64:0:3] -> TimeTicks
       "arbitrary-value" = [64:0:4] -> Opaque
       "big-counter-value" = [64:0:6] -> Counter64
       "gauge32-value" = [64:0:2] -> Gauge32
     "unSpecified" = [0:0:5] -> Null
     "noSuchObject" = [128:0:0] -> NoSuchObject
     "noSuchInstance" = [128:0:1] -> NoSuchInstance
     "endOfMibView" = [128:0:2] -> EndOfMibView
 "get-next-request" = [128:32:1] -> GetNextRequestPDU {
  "request-id" = [0:0:2] -> Integer32
  "error-status" = [0:0:2] -> Integer
  "error-index" = [0:0:2] -> Integer
  "variable-bindings" = [0:32:16] -> VarBindList {
   [0:32:16] -> VarBind {
    "name" = [0:0:6] -> ObjectName
    "" = [untagged] -> _BindValue {
     "value" = [untagged] -> ObjectSyntax {
      "simple" = [untagged] -> SimpleSyntax {
       "integer-value" = [0:0:2] -> Integer
       "string-value" = [0:0:4] -> OctetString
       "objectID-value" = [0:0:6] -> ObjectIdentifier
      "application-wide" = [untagged] -> ApplicationSyntax {
       "ipAddress-value" = [64:0:0] -> IpAddress
       "counter-value" = [64:0:1] -> Counter32
       "timeticks-value" = [64:0:3] -> TimeTicks
       "arbitrary-value" = [64:0:4] -> Opaque
       "big-counter-value" = [64:0:6] -> Counter64
       "gauge32-value" = [64:0:2] -> Gauge32
     "unSpecified" = [0:0:5] -> Null
     "noSuchObject" = [128:0:0] -> NoSuchObject
     "noSuchInstance" = [128:0:1] -> NoSuchInstance
     "endOfMibView" = [128:0:2] -> EndOfMibView
Thanks for helping 
best regards john
Gesendet: Montag, 06. März 2017 um 15:47 Uhr

Von: firesk...@web.de
An: omd-users@lists.mathias-kettner.de
Betreff: Re: [omd-users] Where i can see incoming smmp Traps in OMD ?
Now i've updated my OMD Version
@Thanks to Andreas 
But the same error occours in the log file....  I think i have 2 Options:
1. Rebuild the Scenario with snmptt ( works on old nagios so it should works too)
2. Find out why Python is sending illegal Strings.
I would prefer the 2cnd one cause  i think in  the future we want to create other snmp traps and with the event console i can build this much more  easier than with core snmptt.
How i can i  control this on the system side ? 
Any ideas ?  
best regards john 
Gesendet: Freitag, 03. März 2017 um 13:44 Uhr
Von: firesk...@web.de
An: omd-users@lists.mathias-kettner.de
Betreff: Re: [omd-users] Where i can see incoming smmp Traps in OMD ?
Hello Andreas,
I've made an other test too...   I've reproduced the Trap 1:1 and send it with an trap sender  to OMD .. but only as OID and this works. 
How i can update my OMD Version ? I'm on an LABS one ATM ... should i use an Stable ? 
Is it possible to upgrade ( downgrade)  from omd labs to omd prod?
best regards john 
Gesendet: Freitag, 03. März 2017 um 10:45 Uhr
Von: "Andreas Döhler" <andreas.doeh...@gmail.com>
An: firesk...@web.de, omd-users@lists.mathias-kettner.de
Betreff: Re: [omd-users] Where i can see incoming smmp Traps in OMD ?
As you see you get an exception while parsing your messages. First step test with an actual version of OMD as this versions use its own Python and not the system installed version.
If the error persists you need to find some other solution as your system is sending illegal strings for Python parsing.
Best regards
<firesk...@web.de> schrieb am Fr., 3. März 2017 um 09:21 Uhr:
Good Morning Andreas,
Attached is an link with the mkeventd.log on that point which i have enabled the debug option and trigger the trap again ( it was too big for posting here).
best regards john 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 02. März 2017 um 16:18 Uhr

Von: "Andreas Döhler" <andreas.doeh...@gmail.com>
An: firesk...@web.de, omd-users@lists.mathias-kettner.de
Betreff: Re: [omd-users] Where i can see incoming smmp Traps in OMD ?
Switch on "Debug Rule Execution" for mkeventd and check the debug log files.
<firesk...@web.de> schrieb am Do., 2. März 2017 um 15:36 Uhr:
Hello Andreas,
The command : "lsof -i :162 "
Ouptputs the following Lines:
mkeventd 25325 SBA2    8u  IPv4 6022201      0t0  UDP *:snmp-trap
So i think the Trap Deamon is running.
I've made some tests with with the tools from ireasoning browser: http://ireasoning.com/mibbrowser.shtml
1. Trigger  the OW-Server  Traps to an Trap Reciever which listens on Port 162 UDP --- Works
2. Send an cold Trap to OMD   ---- Works
3. Trigger the OW-Server Traps to OMD ---- Failed
So as you can see sth. is different on the Trap from the Ow-Server but i don't know what.
Any good ideas so far ? 
best regards john 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2017 um 10:50 Uhr

Von: "Andreas Döhler" <andreas.doeh...@gmail.com>
An: firesk...@web.de, omd-users@lists.mathias-kettner.de
Betreff: Re: [omd-users] Where i can see incoming smmp Traps in OMD ?
That is a typing error. SNMPTRAP is every time 162 UDP no TCP.
If you look at your machine with netstat it should be clear that the system is listening on 162 UDP.
Best regards
<firesk...@web.de> schrieb am Do., 23. Feb. 2017 um 10:44 Uhr:
Hello Andreas, 
I'm a little bit confused about the circumstance that the omd  config gui  says explizit in the mkenvent snmptrap config  ... 
                                                                              If this option is enabled then mkeventd starts a │
                                                                           │ builtin snmptrap server that receives snmptrap   │
                                                                           │ messages via TCP port 162. Enabling this option  │
                                                                           │ makes the mkeventd started via a SUID helper     │
                                                                           │ that first opens the (priviledged) port 162 and  │
                                                                           │ then starting the actual event daemon.           │
                                                                           │ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
                                                                           │ │                 on   enable                  │ │
                                                                           │ │                 off  disable         
best regards john 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2017 um 16:19 Uhr

Von: "Andreas Döhler" <andreas.doeh...@gmail.com>
An: firesk...@web.de, omd-users@lists.mathias-kettner.de
Betreff: Re: [omd-users] Where i can see incoming smmp Traps in OMD ?
No. Correctly configured mkeventd is listening on port 162 udp and 514 udp and 514 tcp.
best regards
<firesk...@web.de> schrieb am Mi., 22. Feb. 2017 um 15:48 Uhr:
May i found the problem ..
My server can only send traps over the udp Protocoll 
and the omd snmp deamon listen only on tcp or ?
So is this the pitfall ?
Could i change this in OMD  ? 
best regards
Gesendet: Dienstag, 21. Februar 2017 um 14:07 Uhr

Von: "Andreas Döhler" <andreas.doeh...@gmail.com>
An: firesk...@web.de
Betreff: Re: [omd-users] Where i can see incoming smmp Traps in OMD ?

You can only use mkeventd with snmptrapd or snmptt. Booth at the same time is not so easy. I say it again if traps from other device are received then all is configured correctly on OMD site.

Ubuntu does nothing in the case of using mkeventd. You will also see nothing inside syslog if using mkeventd. Only with the catch-all rule you will see incoming traps.

Best regards

<firesk...@web.de> schrieb am Di., 21. Feb. 2017, 13:35:
Hello Andreas,
Yes I have 2 Sender Points which can configure on snmp server directly, but only 1 for an sensor.
But i retested this really often and there has to be an error on omd layer or on ubuntu OS one.
Then i thought may  it's a god idea to set an snmptt on the system for proofing the situtation ... but it doesn't work i get through this walktrough ..   
But nothing happens, even with an normal testing trap ... so my assumption that omd   sth. bends over that the trap doesn't comes to the syslog or in the logs which ih ave configured in snmptt.ini. 
Then i stopped all OMD  Services .. the same Result .. 
May i forgot sth. to setup in the snmpd settings from scratch ...
best regards john 
Gesendet: Montag, 20. Februar 2017 um 19:08 Uhr
Von: "Andreas Döhler" <andreas.doeh...@gmail.com>
An: firesk...@web.de, "omd-users@lists.mathias-kettner.de" <omd-users@lists.mathias-kettner.de>

Betreff: Re: [omd-users] Where i can see incoming smmp Traps in OMD ?
If you see the trap from printers then your mkeventd with snmptrap receiver is working correctly. That also means your other device is not correctly configured. :)
With the catchall rule you will see all traps send to your monitoring host.
Have you configured two different targets on your snmp sender side?
One for the monitoring host and one for your snmp browser?
Best regards
<firesk...@web.de> schrieb am Mo., 20. Feb. 2017 um 10:38 Uhr:
Hello Andreas
I've followed your advice to create an wildcard rule or at least i tried so...
My Rule has only one Condition:
Text to match.................................................................................................... : .*
Is that correct ?  
Then i trigger my snnmp to test the Wildcard  Rule but nothing happens in the checkmk log but some other Traps from an Printer will be  logged fine.
My trap reciever which is the ireasoning browser tells me that the Trap is logged correctly and the Trigger works also... but not with checkmk.
This is my Snmp Trap which won't be processed in checkmk:
Source: 192.168.xxxx.xxx Timestamp: 603 hours 54 minutes 9 seconds SNMP Version: 1
Enterprise: .iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.edsMain
Specific: 6
Generic: enterpriseSpecific
Variable Bindings:

Name: .iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.edsMain.dTrap.dTrapDeviceTable.dTrapDeviceEntry.dTrapDeviceIndex.4
[Integer] 1
And this is my Trap from an printer which is logged in checkmk ( and no check is configured for this host in omd or checkmk) :
(no Service level)    192.168.xxx.xxx    all    Generic-Trap: 0, Specific-Trap: 0, Uptime: 8 sec    
best regards john 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2017 um 16:41 Uhr
Von: "Andreas Döhler" <andreas.doeh...@gmail.com>
An: firesk...@web.de, omd-users@lists.mathias-kettner.de
Betreff: Re: [omd-users] Where i can see incoming smmp Traps in OMD ?
If you are using the mkeventd with buildin snmptrapd then you need to build a catchall rule inside event console.
Only if there is a matching rule you will see anything. Without rule nothing is shown.
Best regards
<firesk...@web.de> schrieb am Mi., 15. Feb. 2017 um 16:14 Uhr:
OMD Version: 2.11.20161004-labs-edition
 mkeventd (builtin: snmptrap)
Hello Guys 
Where i can see the incoming  Snmp Trap's in OMD ? .
In my rsyslog is no entry for it but the event console from check mk works and send some notification when the snmp  matches.
Then i thought maybe the reason is the rsyslog deamon from omd but thats not the problem. 
I tried both.. with rsyslog deamon on and off.
There is no entry for the snmp Trap in rsyslog.
best regards john 
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