On Mon, 14 Sep 2015, Paul B. Henson wrote:

; > From: Omen Wild
; > Sent: Monday, September 14, 2015 3:10 PM
; >
; > Mostly we are wondering how to clear the corruption off disk and worried
; > what else might be corrupt since the scrub turns up no issues.
; While looking into possible corruption from the recent L2 cache bug it seems
; that running 'zdb -bbccsv' is a good test for finding corruption as it looks
; at all of the blocks and verifies all of the checksums.

zpool scrub is fine but I get lots of messages like this when I run zdb

zdb_blkptr_cb: Got error 50 reading <3077, 212, 0, 52>
DVA[0]=<0:14d528f8200:1ce00> [L0 ZFS plain file] fletcher4 lz4 LE
contiguous unique single size=20000L/13200P birth=3708038L/3708038P fill=1
cksum=1717c7d38f62:374184e099ada9b:a86cf60db2f68605:2be4a1817f9f4b1d --

Is this an indicator of corruption in the pool?
It's going to be a right royal pain to rebuild them if I need to!


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