> From: Omen Wild
> Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 10:13 AM
> I have kicked that off. I expect it will take a while as the pool has
> 15.6TB of data.

My pool had about 10 TB, it ran for roughly 8-10 hours.

> We have no l2arc on this machine, so I don't believe 6214 will impact
> us. When the corruption first manifest itself we were running an

Hmm, I wonder how your pool was corrupted then? There haven't been very many
"trash the pool" bugs in recent history that I can recall.

> The 'zpool scrub' was clean, no errors. unlinking the file still causes
> the panic. I will report the results of the zdb when it finishes.

How much other stuff is in the filesystem? You could try creating a new
filesystem, copying all the stuff over, and then deleting the entire
filesystem that contains the bad file to see if it goes away?

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