
> Not yet.  Recommended course is to install bloody, then switch publishers
> to the one I mentioned earlier.  There are some fixes for systemd images
> not on the publisher yet.
> >
> > Please read the README for io-lx for details on Installing an LX zone:
> >
> > https://github.com/danmcd/io-lx-public/blob/master/README
> >
> > Neat. I tried it once the official way (using joyent images), then
> reworked
> > it to use images from docker export (which generates simple tarballs).
> >
> > This is the base Alpine docker image:
> >
> > lx0:/# uname -a
> > Linux lx0 4.4.15 BrandZ virtual linux x86_64 Linux
> Oh cool!  I used an Alpine from Joyent early on.
> Tell me, would you like "zoneadm -z lx0 install -s <tarball>" to work as
> well?  I don't think it does currently, but it should.

All I did was replace the zfs bit in lx_install with

mkdir -p $ZONEPATH/root
cd $ZONEPATH/root
gtar xf $ZFS_SEED

and it works perfectly.

Whether it makes sense to overload the -s flag, probably not.
I think I would use different flags - one for a zfs stream, one for a
other ones for downloading the images perhaps. I'm not at all sure you
want to be sniffing the file type and making guesses.

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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