Hi Audhut,

If you're using K8s/OOM approach to deploy ONAP, all the services should be 
automatically registered to MSB by kube2msb registrator.

kube2msb registrator is watching the kubernetes events and get service 
endpoints information form the annotation of config and use that information to 
register the services to MSB. Detailed introduction can be found 

I guess the reason is that you didn't specify the kubernetes API token in the 
oom/kubernetes/kube2msb/values.yaml config file, kube2msb-registrator need it 
to access the kubernetes master. 

Please replace the token in red with the token in your kubernetes environment, 
you can find it in  ~/.kube/config

nsPrefix: onap

pullPolicy: IfNotPresent


  kube2msb: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/oom/kube2msb

kubeMasterUrl: https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443

discoveryUrl: http://msb-discovery.onap-msb:10081


MSB internal api gateway is exposed on nodeport 30080, once you get all the 
services running, you can browse all the registered services on the MSB portal  
http://{HOST_IP}:30080/msb .



Original Mail

Sender:  <avdhut.khol...@amdocs.com>;
To: zhaohuabing10201488;
CC:  <onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>;
Date: 2017/11/29 19:29
Subject: RE: Re:[onap-discuss] [msb] Cannot access Services through MSB

Hi  Zhao,

Tried it but without any luck.

I am executing this on the onap k8s env and I have observed that one of the POD 
is down - kube2msb-registrator-1900608333-06b2p. Could that be the reason? What 
 is the main function of this POD?

What are the other containers

-          msb-eag-565007981-vgnth – is this the external gateway

-          msb-iag-3532976410-8xf0c – is this the internal gateway


Is there a way to check if the service is registered in the internal gateway.


I will check once I get the registrator pod running.



Avdhut Kholkar

From: zhao.huab...@zte.com.cn [mailto:zhao.huab...@zte.com.cn] 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 1:33 PM
 To: Avdhut Kholkar <avdhut.khol...@amdocs.com>
 Cc: onap-discuss@lists.onap.org
 Subject: Re:[onap-discuss] [msb] Cannot access Services through MSB


Hi Avdhut,


It seems like the AAI service has not been successfully registered to MSB.


Could you please try this curl command and send me the output?


curl -X POST \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"serviceName": "aai", "version": "v8", "url": "/aai/v8","protocol": 
"REST", "path": "/aai/v8", "nodes": [ {"ip": "{AAI_IP}","port": "8443"}]}' \





Original Mail

Sender:  <avdhut.khol...@amdocs.com>;

To:  <onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>;

Date: 2017/11/29 14:36

Subject: [onap-discuss] [msb] Cannot access Services through MSB

onap-discuss mailing list



I have followed instructions mentioned over page: 

I have registered AAI service in MSB as mentioned in the wiki above


  "serviceName": "aai",

  "version": "v8",

  "url": "/aai/v11",

  "protocol": "REST",

  "visualRange": "1",


  "nodes": [


      "ip": "",

      "port": "40325",

      "ttl": 0





If I access the URL directly from AAI it works


Response: 200 OK


    "cloud-region": [


            "cloud-owner": "OnapPrivateCloud",

            "cloud-region-id": "RegionOne",

            "cloud-type": "SharedNode",

            "owner-defined-type": "OwnerType",

            "cloud-region-version": "v1",

            "cloud-zone": "CloudZone",

            "resource-version": "1511873022465",

            "tenants": {

                "tenant": [


                        "tenant-id": "{{tenant_id}}",

                        "tenant-name": "onap-dev",

                        "resource-version": "1511873022533"








But If I access through MSB API, I get a ‘BAD Gateway’ error



Host: 40325

Content-Type: application/json

X-FromAppId: AAI

Accept: application/json


Response: 502 Bad Gateway



        <title>502 Bad Gateway</title>


    <body bgcolor="white">


            <h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1>


        <center>error message:No route found for this request!</center>






I also tried by registering a SO URL and have the same issue. I am able to 
access the SO URL directly but via MSB.

Note that my env did not register the services directly via ESR – this should 
not make a difference I think.


Can someone help?



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