Hi all,


I am trying to deploy latest ONAP (Beijing) using OOM (master branch) and I found some challenges using suggested HW resources for all-in-one (rancher server + k8s host on single node) deployment of ONAP:


HW resources:

  •    24 VCPU
  • 128G RAM
  • 500G disc space
  • rhel7.4 os
  • rancher 1.6.14
  • kubernetes 1.8.10
  • helm 2.8.2
  • kubectl 1.8.12
  • docker 17.03-ce



some random pods are unable to spawn and are on "Pending" state with error "No nodes are available that match all of the predicates: Insufficient pods (1).“



it seems that mine server can allocate max. 110 pods, which I found from "kubectl describe nodes" output



cpu:     24

memory:  102861656Ki

pods:    110


full ONAP deployment with all components enabled might be 120+ pods but I did not get even that 110 running,

maybe some race-condition for latest pods. If I disable 5+ components in onap/values.yaml, it will fit into that server but then it seems that "Minimum Hardware Configuration" described in


is wrong (120GB RAM, 160G disc, 16vCPU)


or is there any hint how to increase that maximum number of allocatable pods ?












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