    Which AAI docker should we login and check it? Please tell us the database 
username/password and tables name or a portal url to check the vcpe use case 

Liu Chenglong

> 在 2018年8月29日,19:56,Brian <bf1...@att.com> 写道:
> Generally SO records data in their request database but you should see the 
> instance data in AAI.
> Brian
> From: Liu Chenglong <lcl7...@163.com <mailto:lcl7...@163.com>> 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 4:02 AM
> To: FREEMAN, BRIAN D <bf1...@att.com <mailto:bf1...@att.com>>
> Cc: Liu Chenglong <lcl7...@163.com <mailto:lcl7...@163.com>>; SMOKOWSKI, 
> STEVEN <ss8...@att.com <mailto:ss8...@att.com>>; onap-discuss@lists.onap.org 
> <mailto:onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>; Kang Xi <kang...@huawei.com 
> <mailto:kang...@huawei.com>>; huangzonghe <huangzh....@chinatelecom.cn 
> <mailto:huangzh....@chinatelecom.cn>>; 孙鑫龙 <sunxl....@chinatelecom.cn 
> <mailto:sunxl....@chinatelecom.cn>>
> Subject: Re: [onap-discuss] [SO] vcpe use case and call openstack stack api
> Hi, Brian:
>       We want to know which database table can record vnf data or instance 
> data or requests data  when  we create vcpe use case?
>       And where are the tables located? SO or SDC or SDNC database?   How to 
> check it?
>      Like this, when we create vbrg instance by running vcpe.py brg script,  
> SO docker will record what data and write the data into which database tables 
> when SO docker received vcpe’s request?
> ----------------------------------------------
> Regards,
> Liu Chenglong
> lcl7...@163.com <mailto:lcl7...@163.com>
> 在 2018年8月28日,20:32,FREEMAN, BRIAN D <bf1...@att.com <mailto:bf1...@att.com>> 
> 写道:
> Cloud_config.json is created during restart of the docker – you should try 
> without restarting but the base file is in  volumes 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gerrit.onap.org_r_gitweb-3Fp-3Dso_docker-2Dconfig.git-3Ba-3Dtree-3Bf-3Dvolumes-3Bhb-3Drefs_heads_beijing&d=DwMFaQ&c=LFYZ-o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=e3d1ehx3DI5AoMgDmi2Fzw&m=1B-PTkXg8e43PYj7B3MGD_pqU_srKo7WxLKPv_pgJH0&s=JhKqtFeBDsXe9rTpHSz3vpJ8GMr2MCTCpQn3HYPq9Sc&e=>
>  / mso 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gerrit.onap.org_r_gitweb-3Fp-3Dso_docker-2Dconfig.git-3Ba-3Dtree-3Bf-3Dvolumes_mso-3Bhb-3Drefs_heads_beijing&d=DwMFaQ&c=LFYZ-o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=e3d1ehx3DI5AoMgDmi2Fzw&m=1B-PTkXg8e43PYj7B3MGD_pqU_srKo7WxLKPv_pgJH0&s=wVV5e_WVAADowKckpFoEZ1kV50pHIi9HxHgr2Z_-Olo&e=>
>  / chef-config 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gerrit.onap.org_r_gitweb-3Fp-3Dso_docker-2Dconfig.git-3Ba-3Dtree-3Bf-3Dvolumes_mso_chef-2Dconfig-3Bhb-3Drefs_heads_beijing&d=DwMFaQ&c=LFYZ-o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=e3d1ehx3DI5AoMgDmi2Fzw&m=1B-PTkXg8e43PYj7B3MGD_pqU_srKo7WxLKPv_pgJH0&s=I1igHU-c-gtQ6WjHPKHneKKYrUsthDuXogtj2Mz3vVs&e=>
>  / mso-docker.json 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gerrit.onap.org_r_gitweb-3Fp-3Dso_docker-2Dconfig.git-3Ba-3Dblob-5Fplain-3Bf-3Dvolumes_mso_chef-2Dconfig_mso-2Ddocker.json-3Bhb-3Drefs_heads_beijing&d=DwMFaQ&c=LFYZ-o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=e3d1ehx3DI5AoMgDmi2Fzw&m=1B-PTkXg8e43PYj7B3MGD_pqU_srKo7WxLKPv_pgJH0&s=jLgZNt05BgRu2ebL5xtk2OFq1yo6xmLEPrzEvIZ_qSM&e=>
> Json_updater.py updates mso-docker.json
> Json_updater.py takes input from so_vm_init.sh/deploy.sh to setup the cloud 
> regions.
> I think if you modify mso-docker.json and restart the docker (not reboot the 
> VM) then chef should expands mso-docker.json into the files in 
> /etc/mso/config.d.
> For some reason I thought changes to the cloud_config could be done without a 
> restart of the docker container but its been a while since I did a Beijing 
> config change on SO.
> Brian
> Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 8:03 AM
> To: onap-discuss@lists.onap.org <mailto:onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>; 
> lcl7...@163.com <mailto:lcl7...@163.com>; FREEMAN, BRIAN D <bf1...@att.com 
> <mailto:bf1...@att.com>>
> Cc: Kang Xi <kang...@huawei.com <mailto:kang...@huawei.com>>; huangzonghe 
> <huangzh....@chinatelecom.cn <mailto:huangzh....@chinatelecom.cn>>; 孙鑫龙 
> <sunxl....@chinatelecom.cn <mailto:sunxl....@chinatelecom.cn>>
> Subject: Re: [onap-discuss] [SO] vcpe use case and call openstack stack api
> In Casablanca this utilizes a database, making the cloud configuration easier 
> to modify.  In Beijing you have to modify the json file directly.
> Thanks
> -Steve
> From: <onap-discuss@lists.onap.org <mailto:onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>> on 
> behalf of Liu Chenglong <lcl7...@163.com <mailto:lcl7...@163.com>>
> Reply-To: "onap-discuss@lists.onap.org <mailto:onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>" 
> <onap-discuss@lists.onap.org <mailto:onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>>, 
> "lcl7...@163.com <mailto:lcl7...@163.com>" <lcl7...@163.com 
> <mailto:lcl7...@163.com>>
> Date: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 4:34 AM
> To: "onap-discuss@lists.onap.org <mailto:onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>" 
> <onap-discuss@lists.onap.org <mailto:onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>>, "FREEMAN, 
> BRIAN D" <bf1...@att.com <mailto:bf1...@att.com>>
> Cc: Liu Chenglong <lcl7...@163.com <mailto:lcl7...@163.com>>, Kang Xi 
> <kang...@huawei.com <mailto:kang...@huawei.com>>, huangzonghe 
> <huangzh....@chinatelecom.cn <mailto:huangzh....@chinatelecom.cn>>, 
> 孙鑫龙<sunxl....@chinatelecom.cn <mailto:sunxl....@chinatelecom.cn>>
> Subject: Re: [onap-discuss] [SO] vcpe use case and call openstack stack api
> Hi,Brian: 
>      Thanks for your response.
>      We want to simulate another openstack environment to test multi-vcpe use 
> case. And we write the openstack auth-url data in cloud_config.json as your 
> give url data’s format in SO docker /etc/mso/config.d. like this:
>           <image003.jpg>
>      After this we restart SO docker and run vcpe.py brg to test, but SO 
> docker still create vbrg instance in onap’s openstack environment that not we 
> want to. 
>      So we login into SO docker and check the file, we found that the file 
> had change to the old one. like this:
>         <image005.png>
>      So we want to know how to modify the cloud_config.json file and use it.
> ----------------------------------------------
> Regards,
> Liu Chenglong
> lcl7...@163.com <mailto:lcl7...@163.com>
> 在 2018年8月27日,22:13,Brian <bf1...@att.com <mailto:bf1...@att.com>> 写道:
> An ONAP instance of SO can talk to mulitple clouds.
> In Beijing its in the cloud_config.json file. In Casablanca its moved to the 
> database.
> Not sure for vCPE how homing in OOF will work and how the networking would 
> occur between the components since the default installation didnt make sure 
> that vGMUX in site 2 could get to the vDNS/vDHCP etc in site 1 for instance – 
> that’s more of VNF design than an ONAP issue.
> We have not tested this in ONAP but if you look at the unit test cases for SO 
> you can see examples in the beijing resources
> https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=so.git;a=blob;f=adapters/mso-vnf-adapter/src/test/resources/cloud_config.json;h=ff24633f3243acb79c8cd01c1f563208317b4086;hb=refs/heads/beijing
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gerrit.onap.org_r_gitweb-3Fp-3Dso.git-3Ba-3Dblob-3Bf-3Dadapters_mso-2Dvnf-2Dadapter_src_test_resources_cloud-5Fconfig.json-3Bh-3Dff24633f3243acb79c8cd01c1f563208317b4086-3Bhb-3Drefs_heads_beijing&d=DwMFaQ&c=LFYZ-o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=shs6nPzThSiGJml9VXN0Eg&m=VqkPSeLrGTOEfWyEObvAcjKJxrz7NRB74E5k_0aBaoc&s=nwUx1rw2gwtT36_ngX8RfhQCu9xQgkes4KnPAtBoTdY&e=>
> I would check if OOF supports this in Beijing since it wasnt an E2E test case.
> In VID and the SO API – there should be a choice to pick the cloud site and 
> you would have to make sure that AAI was populated with the matching cloud 
> site data that is in SO. 
> Check “robot init” for an example of how to update a cloud region/tenant in 
> AAI. Unfortunately Robot only deals with one cloud region at atime right now 
> but it is an interesting change to make a list of cloud regions for the input 
> to robot if one wanted to have robot do the automated instantiate of mulitple 
> clouds in AAI and SO in Casablanca. For Beijing it probably makes the most 
> sense to use curl/POSTMAN to update AAI (its a simple GET/PUT) or two 
> instances of robot with different openstack data in /opt/config to setup the 
> cloud sites and run test cases against site A or site B.
> Brian
> From: onap-discuss@lists.onap.org <mailto:onap-discuss@lists.onap.org> 
> <onap-discuss@lists.onap.org <mailto:onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>> On Behalf 
> Of Liu Chenglong
> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2018 3:31 AM
> To: onap-discuss@lists.onap.org <mailto:onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>
> Cc: Liu Chenglong <lcl7...@163.com <mailto:lcl7...@163.com>>; Kang Xi 
> <kang...@huawei.com <mailto:kang...@huawei.com>>; huangzonghe 
> <huangzh....@chinatelecom.cn <mailto:huangzh....@chinatelecom.cn>>; 
> 孙鑫龙<sunxl....@chinatelecom.cn <mailto:sunxl....@chinatelecom.cn>>
> Subject: [onap-discuss] [SO] vcpe use case and call openstack stack api
> Hi, SO group:
>         In vcpe use case,  we want to know some SO docker call openstack API 
> flow. When SO vm start to create vfmodule like vbng/vbrg/vgw instance, the SO 
> docker must call openstack stack api to create stack and instance. So, our 
> question is  the openstack api’s address data are get from database that is 
> testlab_mariadb_1,  or get from vcpe script that write openstack keystone url 
> in vcpecommon.py file. 
>         As like this description, if we have 2 openstack cloud platform that 
> name ops_1(keystone ip: and ops_2(keystone ip:, 
> and this 2 cloud platform can connection each other. We install onap platform 
> in ops_1 and the heat file for onap is ops_1 too.
>         We write ops_2 ip in vcpecommon.py(--os-auth-url value) and we want 
> to create vcpe user case in ops_2 environment, so if we run vcpe.py infra or 
> vcpe.py brg, which cloud environment will be choise, ops_1 or ops_2?
>         Or this question is like this, are our onap platform and all user 
> case support deploy into two or many cloud platform? 
> ----------------------------------------------
> Regards,
> Liu Chenglong
> lcl7...@163.com <mailto:lcl7...@163.com>

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