One note regarding the Use Case.
During the F2F only the VoLTE use case was approved.
The vCPE use case was discussed but as no consensus was closed to be made the 
TSC asked the vCPE Use Case Team to refine the proposal. The vCPE Use Case Team 
has to formalize its new proposal by June 15.

1 415 238 6287

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Kenny Paul
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 1:32 PM
To: Brian Hedstrom
Cc: onap-tsc
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] Face to Face meeting agreements

Hello Brian,

I certainly understand your frustration and I’d like to apologize for the 
absence of sufficiently detailed information being captured in the IRC.  There 
were a number of technical, logistical issues across the board and on my part 
specifically, some basic “ramping-up” challenges that impacted the quality note 
taking at thus event.

The recordings of the event along with the timestamps for specific topics can 
be found here:

The list of approved projects can be found here:

As far as you list of projects below, ESR and Network Function Change Mgmt were 
discussed and deferred. To the best of my knowledge, the others did not make it 
onto the agenda.

I will be doing some work on the wiki this week as it relates to project data 
that should help out.

All of the use cases were approved.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thanks for your patience.

Best Regards,

Kenny Paul,  Technical Program Manager<>

On Jun 9, 2017, at 12:06 PM, Brian Hedstrom 

In looking at the F2F Day 1 Meeting 
 and reviewing the IRC channel for Day 
 (it appears the meeting wasn't closed with #endmeeting and a meeting minute 
link wasn't generated), I'm finding it difficult to see what motions were voted 
on and approved versus voted down. There is missing/incomplete information in 
those notes.

Will there be a report or wiki page created that captures what motions passed 
at the F2F meeting?

I could not find any details on whether these projects were voted on:

  *   Authentication and Authorization Framework
  *   DMaaP
  *   External System Register
  *   Network Function Change Management
  *   ONAP Extensibility
  *   ONAP University
  *   Open Lab
  *   SNIRO Optimization Framework
  *   VNF Validation Program (ONAP ICE)
  *   Common Frameworks
Also, I only found that VoLTE Use Case was approved, were the other use cases 


Brian Hedstrom
OAM Technology Consulting LLC<><>
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