Hi all,

Here is agenda for the upcoming meeting.
In case of any additional topics, or concrete use cases proposals for 
discussion, I kindly ask to let me know in advance, so meeting's time can be 
managed accordingly.

1.       Review of suggested Use case subcommittee flow of operation as 
documented here https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Usecase+subcommittee , "Use 
case subcommittee flow"

2.       R1 use cases (vCPE and vVoLTE): Status, Open issues, required actions

3.       R2 use cases: the initial proposals

a.       Network Function Change Management?

b.      Enterprise vCPE?

c.       More?

4.       AOB

Note: The previous meeting minutes can be found under 

Best regards,

Alla Goldner

Open Network Division
Amdocs Technology


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