
Sounds like a good move. I am still out Monday so I depend on Kenny on this to 
collect feedback from the PTLs.

Please be flexible for R1 as there is expectation of seed code as part of the 



Sent through AT&T's fastest network

On Aug 5, 2017, at 2:56 AM, Yunxia Chen 
<helen.c...@huawei.com<mailto:helen.c...@huawei.com>> wrote:

Hi, Kenny,

Could you please add a topic for next Monday’s (8/7/2017) “PTL & Coordinators 

·         “ONAP development enforcement for R1 and forward” proposal

I would like to get feedback from PTLs and Coordinators first. And then have 
another three days to get feedback from the community, and hopefully get the 
approval from TSC at 8/10/2017. Then Integration team will work with LF to add 
scripts to enforce what we have agreed.


Helen Chen

From: <onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org>> 
on behalf of Gildas Lanilis 
Date: Friday, August 4, 2017 at 6:43 AM
To: onap-tsc <onap-tsc@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>>
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] Enforcing an "Upstream first" approach to ONAP


Thanks David for sharing your analysis +1. Big chunk of code should not happen 
(whatever big mean). That is why when TSC reviewed and approved the 
“Development Best 
 earlier in July, I had the motto “If there is 1 word to remember "Commit, 
commit, commit" multiple times a day”. During that meeting someone brought the 
issue of submitting code that is not completely done, and the practice of 
submitting “Gerrit Draft 
 was introduced. This “Gerrit Draft Features” practice provides a way for the 
community to see “code in progress”, to provide early feedback and not commit 
yet in Master (until the feature is really complete).
The unfortunate David’s description of “we’ll build it internally and then 
upstream the code” demonstrates a lack transparency, working in a silo mode, 
that a trustfulness open source community must avoid.

I agree with Oliver and Lushen that the singularity we are currently 
experiencing is about bringing in seed code, onetime event. In case of multiple 
occurrences of such behavior in a single repo, as a community we should  simply 
-2 the code while doing code reviews.

Thanks to Steve, who pointed out the CI guidance we have in place in wiki. At 
the end of the day, in Open Source what matter is working code. And CI 

Not sure we should spend energy in tooling to control or limit such behavior. I 
think we have bigger fish to catch now. I would be in favor of educating people 
and making them realize everything they do is PUBLIC (thinking about their 
online resume). That should help the community to self-regulate. Also, read the 
lines story I bring each time we meet on the coder who commit code at 5:30 pm 
on a 
 (fourth bullet))

Some good reading in CI by Jez Humble and David 
 (but that requires much more time)

ONAP Release Manager
1 415 238 6287

From: onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org> 
[mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org] On Behalf Of Stephen Terrill
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 3:01 AM
To: onap-tsc@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] Enforcing an "Upstream first" approach to ONAP

Thanks for sharing your perspective Lusheng, I think its important to get the 
perspectives of the projects into these discussions.  BR, Steve.

From: onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org> 
[mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org] On Behalf Of JI, LUSHENG (LUSHENG)
Sent: 04 August 2017 07:43
To: onap-tsc@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] Enforcing an "Upstream first" approach to ONAP

Dear TSC and ONAP community,

As I am reading through this thread, I can certainly appreciate David’s good 
intention behind the suggestion.  Perhaps this is a minority opinion here, but 
as a PTL and committer I have to say I am also concerned about “enforcing” 
things such as hard limit on submission LOC.

  1.  Contributions come in the shapes that they are in.  Some large some 
small.  Putting a submission size limit will not change that, but it would 
impact the integrity of large contributions though.  Say someone wants to 
contribute a new complex function but LOC too large, it is not like he would be 
able to break this one large contribution into several smaller contributions.  
The more likely outcome is that he will simply break the contribution into 
several smaller commits, each smaller than the LOC limit but only fragment of 
the original contribution file tree.  This would make committer’s job much 
harder because he now must review ALL of these commits together, equal amount 
of LOC, and spread in multiple submissions.  Individual commits like these 
cannot be reviewed individually effectively because it is difficult to assess 
its value to the whole project, without mentioning that individual submission 
may even break the CICD and testing of the project.
  2.  The “commit small commit often” practice of devops really relies on the 
rich support of features and branches of git.  We essentially have ONLY ONE 
branch, the master.  This is the key reason for why I am not sure we should 
follow the devops manual to a tee here.  None of those sophisticated branching 
workflows is applicable here.  ONAP gerrit is not best suited for being used as 
dev repo.  With this limitation, I would much prefer to have the head of master 
branch relatively clean and stable, only advanced by good quality, tested, and 
self-contained contributions, not by work-in-progress fragments.
  3.  Large submission does not necessarily equal to behind-door development.  
Gitlab is cheap.  Self-formed herds, even individual ONAP projects, can set up 
their own git server and apply all fancy workflows there, then make the whole 
contribution to ONAP when they are ready.  I actually believe this is more 
community based development.
  4.  Studies show that there is a loglog relationship between number of 
submissions and submission sizes for open source commits.  Large submissions do 
happen, but are rare.  We only see more of those now because we are pre-R1, 
many contributions are ports from OpenO, OpenECOMP, or member companies own 
code.  As ONAP grows, more and more code will be developed along with ONAP, and 
I have no doubt we will see fewer and fewer mega submissions.

  1.  With all the above said, I do wish that it would be great if the 36 hour 
review deadline rule can be flexible based on submission size.

Thank you for reading.


From: <onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org>> 
on behalf of Stephen Terrill 
Date: Thursday, August 3, 2017 at 1:42 PM
To: "onap-tsc@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>" 
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] Enforcing an "Upstream first" approach to ONAP


It great that David highlighted this need, just a few thoughts from my 
-          I read that there is general agreement about going for upstream 
first.  Maybe its not about introducing something new actually.   When looking 
at our Wiki, we already have guidance: 
-          We know that the projects are going through a formation and 
migration and merging, and I can respect the effort that entails.  Maybe its 
enough to highlight this for now that after the “migration/formation” that this 
is not a great practice.  Accepting this may occur during the formation phase 
and is not a desired habbit, I wonder whether we could simple ask the PTLs when 
they will be ready to move to continues upstream mode of operation?  Leave the 
projects to define when it makes sense to them in their particular situation.
-          Anything to do with code styling, best practices, etc.  I agree its 
great to have a desired aligned view.  However lets involve the designers and 
projects, enforcing from “external” may not have traction.  My suggestion would 
be to involve them and have TSC approval based on PTL approval first.

Best Regards,


From: onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org> 
[mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org] On Behalf Of GILBERT, MAZIN E (MAZIN E)
Sent: 03 August 2017 18:33
To: Yunxia Chen <helen.c...@huawei.com<mailto:helen.c...@huawei.com>>
Cc: eric.deb...@orange.com<mailto:eric.deb...@orange.com>; 
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] Enforcing an "Upstream first" approach to ONAP

Thank you Helen. Appreciate the leadership.

Sent through AT&T's fastest network

On Aug 3, 2017, at 7:00 PM, Yunxia Chen 
<helen.c...@huawei.com<mailto:helen.c...@huawei.com>> wrote:
Hi, Mazin,
The Integration team will take this one as an action item: we will define a 
list, (there’s other best code practice as well, such as code review etc.).
with an implementation plan since we may not able to do everything in R1, and 
get TSC’s approval.


Helen Chen

From: <onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org>> 
on behalf of "GILBERT, MAZIN E (MAZIN E)" 
Date: Thursday, August 3, 2017 at 8:31 AM
To: Eric Debeau <eric.deb...@orange.com<mailto:eric.deb...@orange.com>>
Cc: onap-tsc <onap-tsc@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>>
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] Enforcing an "Upstream first" approach to ONAP

I am ok if the integration team wants to take the task of defining best code 
practices and guidelines on significant code insertion. I agree with Ash that 
code that can not be reviewed should not be committed blindly. But we need to 
form guidelines so we are all following the same practices. Even the concept of 
significant code is not defined.

This is not a trivial effort and I do not want the integration team to be 
distracted from R1, but I am open for suggestions from the TSC. Let's have the 
discussion via email. I would also appreciate links to successful code best 
practices and enforcements adopted by other forums.


Sent through AT&T's fastest network

On Aug 3, 2017, at 11:35 AM, 
<eric.deb...@orange.com<mailto:eric.deb...@orange.com>> wrote:
+1 for raising this topic

We should avoid 10k LOC patches because it is very complex to review and is not 
aligned with an open source spirit.

I do not believe that we should create another subcommitte to handle such 
issue. The integration project may be able to detect such behavior and alerts 
the PTL and TSC

I also agree with Dhananjay => We spend too much effort on functional aspects 
for R1. There is still some issues to setup a full ONAP platform on Vanilla 

Best regards



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