Hi, we have been seeing burst behavior for the last week. This morning in 
the integration lab session we see this on multiple machines.
   Downloads are fast when they are running - but completely stall every min or 
so for 30-60 sec.

   For example pulling the dmaap container manually - a single pull took 3 min 
on one system - 18 on antoher and had sections where the job ran about 1 to 5 
with bursts to 25 Mb/sec (max is usually 10Mb/sec per stream - up to 5 in 
parallel - I have seen 25) - but there were times 30-60 sec where the image 
download completely paused at 0Mb/sec.

   This behavior is different or is in combination with the traditional 
slowdown we used to see  - very slow pulls - this issue is new in that it works 
fine during the burst - but has sections where all pulls pause.  To be frank - 
I did see this pause behavior briefly for a couple seconds back even in Dec.

   I propose we meet again to test downloads again and get some volumetrics.
   Some details on this and previous issues in


Time 1130 EST 20180430

see slowdown again after our last meeting - a burst behaviour (burst/hold in 
30-60 sec intervals)

This in an azure system (clean) running a manual docker download - see 
attachment on OOM-716<https://jira.onap.org/browse/OOM-716>

root@obrienondemand20180430:/var/lib/waagent/custom-script/download/0# history

    1  cd /var/lib/waagent/custom-script/download/0/

    2  ls

    3  tail -f stdout

    4  wget 

    6  sudo chmod 777 prepull_docker_master.sh

    7  vi prepull_docker_master.sh

    8  docker login -u docker -p docker nexus3.onap.org:10001

    9  docker pull nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/dmaap/dmaap-mr:1.1.4

   10  vi prepull_docker_master.sh

   11  docker pull nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/vid:1.2.1

   12  docker pull nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/dmaap/dmaap-mr:1.1.4

root@obrienondemand20180430:/var/lib/waagent/custom-script/download/0# docker 
pull nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/dmaap/dmaap-mr:1.1.4

1.1.4: Pulling from onap/dmaap/dmaap-mr

0c5a750448f5: Pull complete

e2356a247318: Pull complete

12f105c650c3: Pull complete

46d4cec7ab72: Pull complete

f5b0369aa7fc: Pull complete

a93519a09c8b: Pull complete

73ffcbe01622: Waiting

071f37eca411: Waiting

dc33933d1e9b: Waiting

cc3a1fce1c35: Waiting

ab292f5d0d16: Waiting

9cd00aac030f: Waiting

3 min

root@obrienondemand20180430:/var/lib/waagent/custom-script/download/0# docker 
pull nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/dmaap/dmaap-mr:1.1.4

1.1.4: Pulling from onap/dmaap/dmaap-mr

0c5a750448f5: Pull complete

e2356a247318: Pull complete

12f105c650c3: Pull complete

46d4cec7ab72: Pull complete

f5b0369aa7fc: Pull complete

a93519a09c8b: Pull complete

73ffcbe01622: Pull complete

071f37eca411: Pull complete

dc33933d1e9b: Pull complete

cc3a1fce1c35: Pull complete

ab292f5d0d16: Pull complete

9cd00aac030f: Pull complete

Digest: sha256:8dff567ab978965f545fc1cadc8060cd34a2599ba586e786795469b32fc670ff

Status: Downloaded newer image for 

testing full predeploy - started 1148


ubuntu@obrienondemand20180430:~$ sudo ps -ef | grep docker | grep pull | wc -l


10 sec below

32eda82f66ec: Downloading [================>                                  ] 
96.86 MB/298.4 MB

32eda82f66ec: Downloading [====================>                              ] 
  124 MB/298.4 MB


ubuntu@obrienondemand20180430:~$ sudo ps -ef | grep docker | grep pull | wc -l


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