Hey all:

Kenny was out sick yesterday and I'm not sure if he'll be back today or if
he is still under the weather.  This item may take a day or two before we
put out the updated/revised version of the survey.

Thanks for your patience.



On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 5:38 AM, GILBERT, MAZIN E (MAZIN E) <
ma...@research.att.com> wrote:

> Kenny,
> Can you send out an updated copy post all the comments.
> Thank you for taking the lead.
> Mazin
> On May 8, 2018, at 2:29 AM, Stephen Terrill <stephen.terr...@ericsson.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Kenny,
> This reads that there should be an update, is that the case?
> BR,
> Steve
> *From:* onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org [mailto:onap-tsc-
> boun...@lists.onap.org <onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org>] *On Behalf Of *Kenny
> Paul
> *Sent:* Saturday, May 05, 2018 12:53 AM
> *To:* Christopher Donley (Chris) <christopher.don...@huawei.com>;
> onap-tsc <onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [onap-tsc] TSC Members Composition Survey RFC - Respond by
> 18:00 Pacific time, May 7
> Hi Chris,
> Comments inline >>>
> Thanks!
> -kenny
> *From: *"Christopher Donley (Chris)" <christopher.don...@huawei.com>
> *Date: *Friday, May 4, 2018 at 11:21 AM
> *To: *Kenny Paul <kp...@linuxfoundation.org>, onap-tsc <
> onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [onap-tsc] TSC Members Composition Survey RFC - Respond by
> 18:00 Pacific time, May 7
> Kenny,
> Thanks for starting this. Three things:
>    1. I have some comments/suggestions on the wording of the questions.
>    In particular, aspects of the proposal Steve and I submitted are not
>    included (I'm attaching it for your reference). Please see in-line in
>    red.
>    >>> My apologies. Extremely embarrassed about that. Thank You!
>    2. Some of these items are closely related.  Depending on the results
>    of the survey, the options might not make sense as a standalone proposal,
>    but might represent two (or more) separate proposals that need to be voted
>    on in their entirety. I thought this was Mazin's point from yesterday.
>    >>> Indeed this is the case. If so we will put together the
>    appropriate conflicting/contrasting votes.
>    3. I thought our agreement on yesterday's call was that we would
>    separate the "what" of the TSC composition from the "when", and that this
>    survey would only address the "what".  We were going to address the "when"
>    after we voted on the "what".
>    >>> The results of "When" will not be shared until the "What"
>    decisions are made. Having that data a quick transition to a timing
>    discussion when appropriate.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> *From: *<onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org> on behalf of Kenny Paul <
> kp...@linuxfoundation.org>
> *Date: *Thursday, May 3, 2018 at 5:35 PM
> *To: *onap-tsc <onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>
> *Subject: *[onap-tsc] TSC Members Composition Survey RFC - Respond by
> 18:00 Pacific time, May 7
> As per today's TSC meeting, here is the list of questions proposed for the
> TSC Composition Survey
> Timing:
> Mon. May 7, 18:00 Pacific: provide comments to Kenny & Phil
> Wed. May 9: Survey to be published using Surveymonkey
> Wed. May 16: Survey closes
> Thur. May 17: Survey results presented and voting on highest ranked survey
> responses at the TSC meeting
>    1. *When should the ONAP TSC move from “Startup” to “Steady” state
>    operations at which point the TSC should be populated, not by Platinum
>    Member designates, but instead by some other means, for which the TSC is
>    responsible for defining?*
> 1.      As soon as the new method for populating the TSC is defined
> 2.      After the Beijing Release
> 3.      After the Casablanca Release
> 4.      Other [Please specify time]
> What's the difference between 1 and 2?
> >>> #1 doesn't imply a specific release aligned date target, but would
> still require some change in the ONAP Technical Charter if the composition
> and qualification criteria are not in place by June 30.
> Questions 2 through 7 relate to the composition of the TSC during Steady
> State operations
> 2.                  *How large should the TSC be?*
>    1. 10 or less
>       2. 13
>       3. 15
>       4. 21
>       5. Other [Please specify a number or other quantitative measure]
> According to Bitergia, there are 19 independent companies contributing to
> ONAP.  Can we set the upper bound to 19 so that we're not reserving open
> slots for companies who aren't participating?
> >>> and those 19 independent companies != all the 19 existing companies
> currently represented on the TSC. I will add 19 to the list. I've also
> received private input saying that "30" had been discussed and therefore
> should be included.
>    1.
> *Company Cap - How many members of the same company **(or related
> companies as defined in the Charter) **should be allowed on the TSC at
> the same time?*
>    1. There should be no company-cap
>       2. 2 per company
>       3. 1 per company
>       4. Other [Please specify a number or other quantitative measure]
>  Perhaps choice 1 should be "3" which was the number in our original
> charter?  I don't think anyone is arguing for "no cap"
> >>> Also embarrassed to have missed including that specific language.
> Added.
> *Should we try to ensure a mix of operators and vendors on the TSC?*
>    1. Yes
>       2. No
> The issue isn't whether there should be a mix of operators and vendors (I
> think everyone agrees that there should), but rather whether we
> specifically set aside seats for operators.
> >>> While there may be no disagreement that there "should" be a mix, the
> key word here is "ensure" that there be a mix. That is a different question
> than one of setting seats aside for operators.  A question about reserved
> seats for operators will be added.
> *If {Yes} to #4 above, what should the mix be?*
>    1. At least 50% of the TSC should be from Operators
>       2. No less than 40% of the TSC should be from Operators
>       3. Other [Please specify a percentage or other criteria]
> *TSC Members should be allowed to assign proxies with voting privileges*
>    1. Yes
>       2. No
> *Should TSC Members who do not attend two consecutive meetings without a
> proxy in attendance be dropped from the quorum requirement?*
>    1. Yes
>       2. No
>  I thought Steve's proposal was that appointed TSC members (questions
> 8-10) who don't attend two consecutive meetings, and who don't have a proxy
> attend, forfeit their seats?
> >>> While this cannot be done during the "Startup Period" it could
> definitely apply after the transition to "Steady State" depending on the
> results of 8-10. I'll add it.
> Questions 8, 9 and 10 apply to special provisions for this election cycle
> Are these in addition to the size of the TSC as described in #2, or
> included in that number?  Our proposal included the three seats in #8 in
> addition to the TSC size from #2. Or does this depend on the result of #2?
> (if the TSC size <=15, then these are three extra seats, but if the TSC
> size is >15, then these are included in the total)?  I don't have a
> proposal for the latter question – just asking for clarification.
> >>> If there is a conflict between the number of seats and any of these
> questions, (which is entirely possible), that would be an example of a
> multiple option vote and/or discussion point for the TSC.
> *Should ONAP Platinum Service Provider Members that joined the Program
> after the launch (specifically Turk Telekom, Verizon, and Vodafone), be
> allowed to keep an appointed representative on the TSC if someone from
> their company does not get elected or appointed by other means?*
>    1. Yes
>       2. No
> *Should ONAP Platinum Service Provider Members (specifically AT&T, Bell
> Canada, China Mobile, China Telecom, Orange, Reliance Jio, Turk Telekom,
> Vodafone & Verizon) be allowed to appoint a representative to the TSC if
> someone from their company does not get elected or appointed by other
> means?*
>    1. Yes
>       2. No
> *Should ONAP Platinum Members (i.e all of the existing TSC Companies +
> Verizon) be allowed to appoint a representative to the TSC if someone from
> their company does not get elected or appointed by other means?*
>    1. Yes
>       2. No
> Questions 11 and 12 relate to participation qualifications
> *Who should be allowed to run for a TSC position?*
>    1. Anyone
>       2. Any active community member (defined using the OPNFV model of 20
>       contributions in total made over a 12-month period, inclusive of patches
>       merged, reviews made, Wiki page edits, and JIRA activities)
>       3. Committers, Contributors and Reviewers only
>       4. Anyone on the ONAP “Discuss” and/or “TSC” email list as of the
>       date nomination process starts for the election
>       5. Other [Please provide recommendation]
> * Who should be able to vote in a TSC election?*
>    1. Any active community member (defined using the OPNFV model of 20
>       contributions in total made over a 12-month period, inclusive of patches
>       merged, reviews made, Wiki page edits, and JIRA activities)
>       2. Committers, Contributors and Reviewers only
>       3. Anyone on the ONAP “Discuss” and/or “TSC” email list as of the
>       date nomination process starts for the election
>       4. Other [Please provide recommendation]
> This is missing the option from our proposal: Any active community member,
> defined as anyone who has made one or more measurable contributions during
> the previous six months, inclusive of code submissions, code reviews, wiki
> page edits/uploads, Jira activities, readthedocs, subcommittee leadership,
> and/or presentations to one of the subcommittees (Use Case, Architecture,
> Security, Modeling, Closed-Loop, etc.)
> >>> Again my apologies. This is why we sent it out for comments. Nothing
> was intentionally excluded, just a function of trying to reconcile a great
> many things. The goal of the proposal you and Steve put together was to
> keep the barrier to entry as low as it could possibly be. While discussing
> this yesterday Phil and I were of the opinion that wiki page edits were the
> lowest measurable common denominator and one that should effectively
> capture non-developer participation.  In this case that would be 1 wiki
> comment/update or page creation in 6 months.  Would you agree with our
> assessment?
> Thanks!
> -kenny
> Best Regards,
> -kenny
> *Kenny Paul, Technical Program Manager, The Linux Foundation*
> kp...@linuxfoundation.org, 510.766.5945
> San Francisco Bay Area, Pacific Time Zone
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