Can this be moved forward? And if there is a blocking point, can we know where 
it is?
Kind regards

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Sylvain Desbureaux via Lists.Onap.Org
Sent: mercredi 18 septembre 2019 09:02
To:;; David McBride; 
Andrew Grimberg
Cc:; DEBEAU Eric TGI/OLN;;;;; 
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] [Fwd: Re: [ONAP] Gating evolution]


It's been:

* 3 months since we asked for KaaS resources during DDF in Stockholm (and the 
approval from TSC and PTLs)

* 2 months since we (re)asked LFN for the KaaS resources

* 3 weeks since first technical discussion with Andrew

* a week and a half since last email from LFN on this topic (which was 
addressing one of the many questions we have and not the most important one: 
when do we have the resources).

We already missed El Alto (and Dublin…) priority on testing, I don’t want to 
miss also Frankfurt one.

So, as it seems that you have issues to provide the solution you proposed 3 
weeks ago, can we go back to the initial request (credentials to a KaaS 
provider) so we can move forward ASAP?

For your information, CNCF, your sister foundation, is able to give credentials 
for hosted project (Kubernetes, Network Service Mesh (NSM), ...) on a lot of 
different platforms (NSM is deploying on GKE, AWS, Azure, Packet, …) so where 
there's a will there's a way.

Hoping that have credentials very soon,

Sylvain Desbureaux

Date : mardi 20 août 2019 à 10:44
À : "" <>, 
"" <>
Cc : "" <>, DEBEAU Eric TGI/OLN 
<>, "" 
<>, "" <>, 
"" <>
Objet : [Fwd: Re: [ONAP] Gating evolution]

Hi Kenny

as discussed yesterday, you will find hereafter the mail thread on the ONAP 
gating evolution sent on the 20th of June.

this thread was initiated before the DDF in June and presented during PTL 
meeting (8th of July: for 
official approval.
A slide deck had been shared with PTLs and TSC:
A first estimation of the APEX cost was mentioned in the mail below and 
discussed during ad hoc meetings.
The last mail on the mailing list dealing with the topic can be found here,,,20,0,0,0::Created,,Gating+evolution,20,2,0,32393410

It corresponds to a real and immediate community need.



ND: In parallel there are general discussions on mid term evolution of the 
CI/CD at LFN level (reporting done last week).
I already mentioned during TAC meeting that I am a bit puzzled on the way LF 
manages the hardware resources (I asked several times for the list of LF HW 
community resources accross the different projects but never got an answer) and 
the CI/CD.
If we consider OPNFV CI for instance, we can see that lots of the runs today 
correspond to projects that are sometimes finished since several months (old 
installers still running) or even years, run on old versions (almost no run on 
iruya...except functest), very high error rate on some jobs meaning that the 
jobs are clearly not maintained.
There is probably a big waste of resources (and by consequence money).
It shows also the difficulty and the challenges of a centralized model.
Once community contributors stop their activity, they do not clean their job as 
the CI is out of their scope, the jobs remain because the centralized 
organization in charged of the CI has no idea that it is finished. The minutes 
of CI do not reflect the reality of the community. (same syndrome for the 
repos, some should have been archived since a long time to reflect the real 
activity of the community)


-------- Message transféré --------
Morgan TGI/OLN 
Objet: Re: [ONAP] Gating evolution
Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2019 09:15:24 +0200

Do you have any news on this topic?
El Alto release is due for September 30th and first tests are expected end of 
If we want to (try to) start automated gating for first commits, we need 
credentials as soon as possible (before July 9th) and it’s not _at all_ 

As summer is the holiday season, if we don’t have soon access to a lab, nothing 
will be done before mid/end august so expect first tests beginning/mid 

So this will be done only for the last session of test at best, and there would 
be an high risk to delay El Alto release (as we have seen in Casablanca and 
Dublin release).

El Alto release is supposed to be focused on Test Automation & CI/CD pipeline 
as stated in the wiki but I’ve not seen anything on this since Stockholm DDF…


Sylvain Desbureaux

Date : jeudi 20 juin 2019 à 18:43
À : "" <>, 
"" <>, 
"" <>, 
"" <>, 
"" <>
Cc : DEBEAU Eric TGI/OLN <>, "" 
<>, "" 
<>, "" <>, 
"" <>, DANNO Vincent 
TGI/OLN <>, "" 
<>, "" <>
Objet : [ONAP] Gating evolution


as discussed during LFN DDF in Stockholm, we come back to you to discuss the 
possibility to get additional resources for community activities.
As you know, the gating feature now allows to detect regression before merge on 
the installer repository.
It has been introduced for Dublin release and is highly appreciated by the 

This light Openstack-zuul like feature requires some infrastructure in order to 
deploy a full fresh ONAP and test it within a CI chain.
So far all the resources used to provide this service to the community are 
fully provided by Orange.
In fact the on-demand deployments are done in Orange lab, operated by Orange 

In order to get geographical redundancy and share the load, it would fully make 
sense to add additional resources.
Orange team is OK to participate to the setup/monitoring of the gating chain on 
these additional resources.

Several options are possible: another community member hosting platforms, Cloud 

We calculated some time ago that the dimensioning for the installer gating lead 
to 9 platforms in parallel at peak (for Dublin).
Today we manage the gating with 1 or 2 platforms, as a consequence we added a 
queuing mechanism.
Assuming that a full gating processing lasts about 1h30, if your patch is 
queued #5 and you have only 1 platform available, you have to wait 6x1h30 = 9h 
before getting the feedback on your patch.
With 9 platforms, the max would have been 1h30.

This dimensioning deals only with the gating of 1 ONAP sub-project: the 
installer project OOM.
During DDF and in various presentations before, it was indicated that gating on 
key components would be also a good improvement. the SO component would be 
candidate for such gating.
The gating of the SO would be relatively similar to the OOM gating. It requires 
some evolution on the docker generation (currently mainly managed by LF IT 
team) especiallyon docker generation and versioning.
It does not look very complex but some work is needed.

Of course if we add component gating, the dimensioning will change dramatically.
As we can start we only 1 subcomponent, it is possible to scale as we grow. But 
in any case 2 // platform will be too light.

In Orange for the gating we are deploying a kubernetes solution on top of our 
DC (Openstack). A full ONAP means 18 Kubernetes nodes
- 3 controller nodes: each node= 4 cores / 4 Go RAM / 40 Go Disk
- 3 etc nodes: each node= 4 cores / 4Go RAM / 40 Go Disk
- 12 compute nodes: each node= 16 cores / 32 Go RAM / 40 Go Disk
total for 1 platform = 216 cores / 408 Go RAM / 720 Go Disk

we may notice that is is still very big and probably an obstacle for 
adoption...but it is another debate...

Let's do the hypothesis we setup 2 new platforms for gating in public cloud
the first evaluations of the costs are (just using quickly online calculator of 
the different providers based on a 100% usage per month, which is probably not 
the case; need to contact them directly for more accuracy)
- Google GKE: ~10K$ 
- Amazon EKS ~ 10K$ / month (
- Azure: ~ 18K$ / month (
- VMWare: ~10K€ (
- DigitalOcean: 8 K$/ month (
- OVH: ~ 15K$ (
- IBM: did not find the pricing page

In a first stage, it would maybe make sense to ask community members 
(Microsoft, VMWare, IBM...) offering Kubernetes as a service offers if it would 
be possible to have credits for such community work.

If TSC is OK and if we got the cloud credentials, Orange team would be pleased 
to contribute with integration/CI/CD team setting up CI chains for gating on 
these new resources.




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