Dear TSC,

I would like to nominate myself for the 5G Community Coordinator position. I 
attach the requested information from the candidates at the end of this message.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,

Ulas C. Kozat, Ph.D.

Candidate Name:
Ulas C. Kozat (<>)


Head-shot picture:

5G Community Coordinator

I have worked in telco research, development and standards space over 20+ 
years. I have been involved in SDN and NFV area from the early days of their 
inception with the emphasis on network infrastructure cloudification and on 
providing network as a service capability in the mobile carrier space. I have 
also worked heavily on data-driven network management and optimization. I 
accumulated unique perspectives from my current and past employments on the 
vendor side (Huawei, Argela), carrier side (NTT DOCOMO) and academic side 
(Ozyegin University, The University of Maryland, The George Washington 

I have been an active participant in telco focused open source activities.  I 
am quite familiar with the community, processes and activities in LFN projects, 
particularly of ONAP and OPNFV projects. I have been involved in ONAP 
specifically on the 5G use case activities since early 2018. I have been 
leading the discussions on PNF software management with feature contributions 
to Casablanca and Dublin releases. I served as PTL for the OPNFV Domino project 
that focused on template distribution and translation services for network 
service and VNF descriptors. On the standards side, I work very closely with 
team members who are major contributors to 3GPP, IETF, ETSI and IEEE standards.

I have a track record of over 65 IEEE and ACM publications (with 2 best paper 
awards), 17 issued US Patents, 2 books and a book chapter on communication 
networks, cloud computing/storage and distributed systems. I served in 
organizing committees and technical program committees in flagship IEEE and ACM 
conferences including IEEE Infocom, IEEE NFV-SDN, IEEE ICC, IEEE PIMRC, IEEE 
Globecom, ACM MobiCom, ACM MobiHoc, ACM Mobisys. I served in project review 
panels for NSF GENI project. I am an area editor for Elsevier COMNET in NFV-SDN 
domain. I served as reviewer for various IEEE transactions and journals 
numerous times. I am a senior member of IEEE.

Candidate's statement:
I am quite familiar with the processes and people involved in both open source 
and standards communities. I have deep understanding of wireless systems and 
have been an active contributor to their evolution. Based on my background as 
well as past and current roles in the companies I worked at, I believe I can 
effectively bridge the activities in 5G domain across the communities as 
demanded by this role.

<<>> On Behalf Of 
Kenny Paul via Lists.Onap.Org
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2019 4:57 PM
Subject: [onap-discuss] Community Coordinators - CALL FOR SELF NOMINATIONS - 
Ends May 9, 5 PM Pacific

(bcc'd to onap-discuss)

There are currently six Community Coordinator positions open. These positions 
are open to anyone.

  *   Cloud 
  *   Edge 
  *   Network 

Who is eligible to Run: Any Community Member

Who is eligible to Vote: TSC Members


Self-Nomination Phase
Individuals interested in running for a particular Community Coordinator 
position must reply-all to this email with the specific coordinator position 
you are running for.  Candidates are strongly recommended to include a 
headshot, biography and statement of intent on why you would be a good person 
to hold that position. In addition, it is requested that candidates also fill 
in this wiki page<>l
 with the same information.

Note that filling out the wiki page is NOT in lieu of sending the email as 

     *   The nomination phase begins with the receipt of this announcement
     *   The nomination phase ends at 5PM pacific time on  May 9th,  2019

Election Phase

     *   If there is a single nominee for a position: A standard TSC vote 
(either live or via email to onap-tsc-vote) shall be initiated by the LF at the 
first opportunity to do so.
     *   If there are multiple nominees a Condorcet election will be held using 
the CIVS voting 
  All TSC members will receive an invitation to vote.

In the event an electronic vote is required:
*       The election phase will begin on with the distribution of the CIVS poll 
or email.
*       The election phase will end four (4) full business days later in the 
same time zone the poll was initiated from

Election Results
The LF will update the Voting Results 
 page with their name, date, and link either to the publicly viewable CIVS 
results or vote email thread and send an email to the distribution list and to 


Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.

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