
The Agenda for the Feb 23, 2021 ArchCom weekly meeting can be found here:
The last Component Review is scheduled to be presented at the Feb-23-3021 
meeting. We will use the remaining time to discuss general AchCom topics that 
are listed on the agenda wiki page.
Please feel free to bring any last minute items that you may have so they can 
be addressed either at tomorrow's meeting or scheduled for future meeting(s).



Jan-13-2021 update:
Starting with the Jan-19-2021 session, please make sure that all the docs that 
you plan to present are referenced in the Jira's for your respective topics. 
Only the documents that are referenced in the jiras  will be reviewed

Jan-06-2021 update: Some useful info to reference:

  1.  To request a review date for your component architecture review please go 
 and enter the desired  "requested Review date" and I will assign the "actual 
Review Date" based on availability. I would also ask that you update/modify the 
Sponsor field if it is either wrong or not present.
     *   The presenting order is based on what I think your time zone is, which 
may or may or bet totally correct. ArchCom will accommodate any requests to 
either move your presentation up or down the list or to assign a new date.
  2.  It is expected by ArchCom that the Component Architecture Review template 
is completely filled out to reflect exactly what will be delivered in the 
Honolulu-R8 release, including but not limited to the proper links to the API 
Specs, updated Component Diagrams, etc. the ArchCom Jira will remain open until 
the template is fully approved by ArchCom.

Dec-16-2020 update: Starting the Jan 05, 2021 session we will be focusing on 
the ONAP Component Reviews. All the updated forms and Component diagrams for 
the Honolulu-R8 Release can be found here:<>



This is to remind you that the starting time for the ArchCom subcommittee 
weekly meeting is at 15:00 UTC, 10AM EST.
Please Note that a new passcode is now required to join this call:
Meeting ID: 608 270 884
   Passcode: 565355

We will continue the architecture reviews for all the Functional, 
Non-Functional, PoC and UseCases for the Honolulu release.

Please reference the wiki page(s) that are relevant to you here:<>
 and update the "Requested Review Date" for your requirement(s) so that a 
Review date can be assigned.

The meeting agenda can be found here:<>


  1.  We were unable to complete all the scheduled reviews during the 
Dec-08-2020 session. The topics that were not reviewed will be first on the 
agenda for the Dec-15-2020
  2.  However, we still may not be able to complete all the scheduled reviews 
on the Dec-15-2020 and would propose a Special ArchCom Review session on 
Wednesday, Dec-16-2020, 8am-10am EST to finish all the reviews ( I'd like some 
feedback from the committee on this proposal via email or during the 
Dec-15-2020 session)
  3.  As of today:
     *   3 Functional requirements with have no "Requested Review Date"
     *   11 out of 12 Non-functional requirements have no "Requested Review 
     *   All PoC/UC have either been reviewed or are scheduled to be reviewed 
on Dec-15-2020
     *   I will be out for the rest of the year starting on  Dec-18-2020

Dec-01-2020: A few guidelines as we begin the review process:

  1.  All the Topics listed under Honolulu-R8 Release Requirements Scheduled 
for Review (01-Dec-2020)   are scheduled  to be reviewed at this week's session.
  2.  If you are a sponsor of one of the topics to be reviewed please make sure 
all the relevant and supporting materials are referenced in the ARC Jira and 
that your are ready to present.
  3.  Topics will be presented in the order that are listed. However, we can 
accommodate requests for changing the order based on your timezone/availability
  4.  Target date for completing all the reviews: Dec 18, 2020 - I know that's 
an aggressive timeline but let's give it our best shot and see if we can get it 


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