In the interest of enabling anyone who may have free cycles for this, here's the "magic tool" I've been using to address this so far. I've been doing the below on a per-project basis because I've found some projects to have variations in structure that differ from the following general recipe:

# (Repeat for each of the (~10) projects)
# Create SVN directory structure
cd <project>/src/main/java
svn mkdir --parents org/apache

# Move oodt out of gov/nasa/jpl into org/apache tree
svn move gov/nasa/jpl/oodt org/apache/oodt

# Replace all g.n.j with o.a
cd org/apache/oodt
find . -name "*.java" -exec sed -i 's/gov.nasa.jpl/org.apache/g' '{}' \;
find . -name "*.jsp"  -exec sed -i 's/gov.nasa.jpl/org.apache/g' '{}' \;

# Verify and commit
cd <project>
svn status
svn commit -m "progress towards OODT-15: rename packages and imports to 'org.apache.*' (<project>)" *



On 7/7/10 6:47 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
Hey Andrew,

(sorry if this is a dup. tried sending via, but +30 mins
haven't seen it delivered)
Should get delivered now, it was held in list mod. You may want to send an
email from your account to then you should be able to post OK.

Chris (Mattmann),

I got a start on renaming packages and imports. I've taken one pass through
each project, and have at least one more to go. Here's some status about what
has been done so far:

Every project that had a src/main/java/gov/nasa/jpl/oodt directory now has a
src/main/java/org/apache/oodt directory (with the contents svn 'move'd to the
o.a dir)

Every *.java file that was moved to an o.a directory was further processed to
replace internal occurrences of gov.nasa.jpl with org.apache. (package&
import statements)

Awesome! Great job.

Here's what still needs to be done:

Some projects have jpl.eda directories instead of gov.nasa.jpl. I still need a
special pass to handle them (specifically: 'product', 'profile', 'query',
'xmlquery') but I have a question: Do we want to maintain the 'eda' legacy --
i.e.: should we create o/a/eda as well as o/a/oodt, or do you think we should
somehow unify them going forward?
My proposal is that we should get rid of the eda legacy and move the
packages to o.a.oodt.X and unify them. This will likely be a manual process.
Let me take a look at what's there. I have some ideas for how to merge the

So far only .java files have been internally scrubbed of gov.nasa.jpl (not
.jsp!). I need to make one more pass for .jsp files (limited to those projects
with webapps).
Cool, shouldn't be too much of these.

So far only files in src/main/java have been moved from g/n/j/oodt to
o/a/oodt. I need one more pass for test files (src/main/test) for all
Okey dok, +1. Please run your magic tool on the test stuff when you get a
chance, thanks!


Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

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