Space: Apache OpenOffice Community 
Page: User Guides Revisted 

Change Comment:
Original Draft for Discussion

Edited by Keith N. McKenna:
h1. {color:red}DRAFT
h2. Purpose
The purpose of this page is to generate discussion about the User Guide(s) to 
be developed for Apache OpenOffice or indeed if any should be done at all. 
Since there has been little or no effort on this aspect of the project Since 
2011 or early 2012 I will propose 3 scenarios to start the discussion.

h3. Scenario 1: No Updated Users Guides
We muddle along as we have been. If user ask about documentation we direct them 
to the out of date v3.3 guides in PDF or ODT format on the 
documentation site 
[],or the 
even more outdated v3.2 version on the mwiki 
h4. Pro's
* none that I can see.

h4. Con's
* Unprofessional
* Increased possibility of incorrect or out of date information
* Increased frustration of the user base

h3. Scenario 2: Use ODFAuthors web site to update previous versions of the 
Getting Started guide.
There are draft chapters for the Getting Started Guide currently at the 
ODFAuthors website waiting to be reviewed and polished. The major stumbling 
block to this has been the licensing of the documents. They are currently dual 
licensed as  GPL ver3 and CC-BY ver3. This would require either that we ask 
legal@ to review the CC-BY version 3 license as to whether it is compatible 
with the ALV2 (the 2.5 version is already approved) or that we host the 
distribution of the documents somewhere other than an Apache server.

h4. Pro's
* Much work already done
* Possibility to have basic documentation ready for AOO version 3.5 release or 
shortly thereafter

h4. Con's
* Licensing issues
* Possible distribution issues
h3. Scenario 3: Start from scratch under ALV2 License
I see this more as a long term scenario for AOO 4.0 or beyond. It would solve 
the licensing and distribution issues, it raises the issue of resources. This 
would be a major undertaking and require the services of experienced technical 
writers and editors.
h4. Pro's
* Solves licensing and distribution problems
* Allows restructuring of Guides that have grown from there original intent as 
new features have been added.

h4. Con's
* Abandons the 3.x line prematurely
* Can we recruit the experienced people that will be needed or this to be 

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