Once this is cooked, I'm eager for us to pick up the threads on trademark
enforcement against "subscription fraud" abusers of the trademarks. See
http://www.itworld.com/security/182757/floss-accept-no-substitutes for an
overview of the issue. At Sun, we regularly pursued the pond-scum who preyed
on OOo end-users like this - does Apache already have an initiative for
dealing with it?


On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Shane Curcuru <a...@shanecurcuru.org> wrote:

> Yes, ASF counsel and I are working with Oracle to get the paperwork signed
> and finished to transfer a number of "OpenOffice.org" registered trademarks
> (and related marks) to the ASF, from a number of different countries.
> (Thanks Andrew)
> Andrew (or whoever): how/when can we get the submissions to that webform?
> http://surveys.services.**openoffice.org/surveys/index.**php?sid=31881<http://surveys.services.openoffice.org/surveys/index.php?sid=31881>
> I'm actually wondering if and how we should review those, versus simply
> asking people to start contacting ooo-dev@ about requests from the Apache
> side.
> In particular, with the transfer of the OOo marks, how do we (as in, this
> PPMC and trademarks@) handle any permissions or licensing of
> "OpenOffice.org"?  Especially since that mark primarily refers to a product
> that we - the ASF - do not actually distribute?
> - Shane
> On 7/19/2011 12:51 PM, Andrew Rist wrote:
>> On 7/18/2011 10:37 PM, Peter Junge wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm still getting requests now and again from persons who want to use
>>> the trademark OpenOffice.org for various reasons. In former times I
>>> have been pointing them to a web form that Oracle was providing. So,
>>> my questions are:
>>> - Is the OOo trademark already with Apache?
>> Oracle legal is currently working with ASF on the transfer.
>>> - If yes, I recall I have to forward them to tradema...@apache.org,
>>> right?
>>> - If not, is Oracle still taking on such requests?
>> All of these types of requests are on hold at Oracle. The process should
>> be moved over to Apache.
>>> + Do requesters still have to use the web form?
>>> Or, is there any interims process?
>> Not at this time - and - this should make it over to the Apache side of
>> things in reasonably short order.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Peter

Simon Phipps
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