Am 07/22/2011 12:57 AM, schrieb Shane Curcuru:
Note that Tightrope has abandoned their US trademark application for

Great to know, thanks for the link. :-)


On 7/21/2011 2:14 PM, Simon Phipps wrote:

On 21 Jul 2011, at 06:31, Marcus (OOo) wrote:

Am 07/21/2011 01:11 PM, schrieb Eike Rathke:
Hi Peter,

On Thursday, 2011-07-21 09:21:45 +0800, Peter Junge wrote:

Once this is cooked, I'm eager for us to pick up the threads on
enforcement against "subscription fraud" abusers of the trademarks.

This is indeed a big and painful issue that should somehow be
tackled. I think the I remember the former lead of the German OOo
Marketing Project had collected several hundreds of cases of
subscription fraud with OOo.

About 2000 reported cases as of June 2010, see (all in German)

Wow, what a frigthening number of cases. :-O

And there are many more in other countries. Defending the trademark just against this nasty abuse is a full-time
project. I would be be happy to participate in it once Apache has

Also, Shane& Andrew, do you know whether Oracle has objected to the
trademark application by Tightrope Interactive that was reported in
The Register[1]? It would be very sad to see that one fall through the
cracks during the hand-over.



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