With regard to e-mail addresses, we use those on the proposal Initial 
Committers list.  We have no others.  I had a copy of the list that was used 
for the 6/23 follow-up and we found that two bounced because I had transcribed 
them incorrectly. Those were corrected and the follow-up resent.  I am not 
aware of any others being returned.

Also, when someone records a different e-mail address in there iCLA, it slows 
things down because the e-mail address is the basic means we have for 
confirming identity.  That has not become an issue that couldn't be resolved so 
far.  If the name on the iCLA is too different, that will be a problem as well, 
of course.

About people responding to our enquiries:  Of course circumstances intervene on 
estimates and declarations of intentions.  All it takes is being in 
communication to deal with such matters.  

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: IngridvdM [mailto:ingrid...@gmx-topmail.de] 
Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2011 14:09
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] <Initial Committer>: Apache OpenOffice.org Initial 
Committer Status

Hi Dennis,

Am 23.07.2011 21:35, schrieb Dennis E. Hamilton:
> Ingrid,
> You can help me.
> I am having difficulty finding a concrete case for completely open-ended 
> invitation of Initial Committers.
I don't know whether there are any, I haven't searched.

> Suppose you were on the Initial Committer list.  You had not sent an iCLA. 
> You had not responded to a request to take that step as part of being 
> established as an official committer for the Apache OpenOffice.org podling.
> If that was you, what would you be holding onto by wanting that invitation to 
> be permanent without taking the steps that go with accepting it?
I simply see no reason to shut the door. People might be in the middle 
of paper work, people might be ill, people might be on a journey around 
the world. You also may have send the invitation to the wrong mail. None 
of this would cause me to consider to withdraw someones committers 
rights, so why should it cause me to consider to withdraw someones 
committers invitation?
Would you suggest to withdraw committer status if a committer is off for 
1 months, two months, a year?

> If that was you, what would have this be rude or an insult that you be 
> expected to take the initiative and show up as an established committer.
The expectation to show up is of course not rude. Invitation and 
expectation is nice! :-)

But threatening with an arbitrary deadline is somewhat strange, really.
And requesting for a time estimation about such complicated things as 
legal paper work, well please.

> Why would you not be taking committed actions to create and grow the Apache 
> OpenOffice.org project?

I think enough reasons have been given for people beeing late.

A misunderstanding was clearly between posing a deadline on paperwork or 
only posing a deadline on people who are not responsive at all. So 
making a difference here is a step of coming together! :-)

Now for the not responsive ones, I still won't close the door for them, 
but I seem to be a minority here and will adhere to principles of 
democracy. But please give them as much time as possible and make really 
sure that you use correct email addresses in the reminder mails.
It would be a pity to have upset people because of this.


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