Marcus (OOo) wrote:
Am 08/01/2011 09:25 PM, schrieb Ross Gardler:
On 1 August 2011 18:20, Marcus (OOo)<> wrote:
AFAIK the current projects at Apache doesn't have high download numbers
compared with OOo. So, a download request can point directly to a
mirror or
a mirror list is shown and the users have to choose themselves from
where to
get the software best.

I wouldn't make any assumptions about the current mirror
infrastructure. What you write above does not reflect how things work
here. The ASF is a pretty large collection of projects with some very
large numbers behind it.

I've looked at this both pages:

When comparing it with the one from the current OOo project you should
be able to see big differences:

- too many links
- too much data on one page
- too much information to read to get an overview
- too less clear structure

Please keep in mind that we have to deal with end-users. Maybe there are
a lot of power-users but even they prefer a simple and straight
solution. ;-)

I have to agree with Marcus on this.  It has to be simple.


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