Am 08/03/2011 04:57 PM, schrieb Ross Gardler:
On 3 August 2011 15:53, Ross Gardler<>  wrote:
On 3 August 2011 15:47, Marcus (OOo)<>  wrote:
I've created a little diagram how I think the download has to work:

As it seems we cannot go on like we did with OOo the JS magic has to change
a bit, how to recognize the language, OS and country to assemble the nearest
mirror server + file name to get the download URL.

I'm still struggling to understand why the existing ASF process for
selecting the nearest mirror is not appropriate for this.

If you use the existing infrastructure then all your "JS Magic" is not
necessary (although I confess to not knowing exactly how the ASF
mirror system works, for me it just works).

Oh, wait, the penny might have dropped. Is the "JS Magic" doing more
than finding a mirror? e.g. it is deciding which language pack to
download etc.

Yes, we have to recognize the language and OS to know the appropriate install file to assemble the correct download URL.

If that's the case then ignore my mail.

Hm, not really, as we could bring together both magics into one process.


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