On 24 Aug 2011, at 00:20, Rob Weir wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Jean Weber <jeanwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It's clear to me that we need to do better than we have in the user support 
>> area, if we can do so. Not only will that benefit users and improve our 
>> reputation, it will allow us to work smarter, not harder. I will pursue 
>> this, along with other interested people. It's something valuable that I can 
>> do while the techies are moving websites and working with code etc.
>> Setting up a suitable system and populating it with suitable information 
>> will be a big task and take quite awhile, especially if we don't have enough 
>> skilled people to do it. (I'm referring to content, not infrastructure.) All 
>> the more reason to get started now with planning what we want to do, so we 
>> can start doing it ASAP.
> A system like this is a big investment.  It is not easy.  In fact, it
> probably would not be doable unless we collaborated with LibreOffice
> and related products on this.  But I think it is worth the investment.
> Glad to help in any way I can.

That would be an interesting proposal. We seem to have skipped the discussion 
about whether AOOo actually wants to aspire to having a full-scale consumer 
binary product and all the support requirements that go with it. So far the 
LibreOffice project has avoided creating support forums that "compete" with the 
openoffice.org lists; would it be smart to explore a way to have this broader, 
collaborative support in place?


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