On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 8:58 PM, Simon Phipps <si...@webmink.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 1:44 AM, drew <d...@baseanswers.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, 2011-08-24 at 01:36 +0100, Simon Phipps wrote:
>> > Apologies if this ought to be clear to me, but are you proposing:
>> No apologies needed - I'm touchy on the subject...so just slap the back
>> of my head now and then when I need it :)
> No worries :-)
>> >
>> > 1. AOOo sets up support forums (or lists) exclusively related to its own
>> activities
>> Yes - as long as it is two projects and right now that is true. With the
>> current circumstances I do not see the projects merging again, unless
>> one just capitulates to the other. (see M.M. closing slide from his
>> latest talk)
>> The applications are already starting to diverge and if the plans I'm
>> hearing about come true this will accelerate.
> Given the level of many of the questions I've seen over the years, I believe
> there will still be enough in common to permit a top-level support forum
> somewhere like "support.openoffice.org" for "family" projects that then
> links to project-specific venues for detailed issues.
>> > 2. AOOo collaborates with other OpenOffice community projects such as
>> LibreOffice over this
>> Right now that is possible, as long as it is possible than I am for it,
>> but for how long that will continue I can't say.
> I think we still need to have a serious discussion about the scope of the
> ambitions of AOOo - it's been raised before but deferred pending actually
> having a repo to work on. If the project chooses to maintain core code
> rather than attempt a full-scale clone of the former OOo project, it's
> entirely possible that commonality will remain.

We had that discussion.  The proposal was made [1].  The scope of the
effort was defined in that proposal.  You argued against that scope..
You did not prevail.  The proposal was approved.  If anything has been
deferred, it has been your acceptance of these basic facts.   Just
because you disagree with the approved scope does not mean that the
discussion did not take place, nor does it mean that the discussion
was not serious.

But regardless, I'd recommend a new thread, if you want to divert this
discussion to questions unrelated to next-gen user support.

[1] http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/OpenOfficeProposal

>> > 3. We do neither of these and allow spontaneous self-support to develop
>> elsewhere?
>> Well, that is what happened in the past. I would rather it be a bit more
>> coordinated this time.
> +1
> S.

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