On Mon, 2011-08-29 at 00:32 +0800, Peter Junge wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to propose --*seeking lazy consensus*-- that the BHV 
> publishing GmbH, Novesiastrasse 60, D-41564 Kaarst (Germany) is 
> permitted to use the OpenOffice.org logo and trademark for their book 
> (in preparation) "OpenOffice.org 3.3 für Ein- und Umsteiger" [1] [2], 
> means something like "OOo 3.3 for beginners and people who are 
> migrating" in English. This package includes a handbook (printed and 
> eBook) and a DVD with the OOo binaries. The OOo logo and trademark would 
> be used on the book cover, within the book and on the label of the DVD. 
> BHV has been publishing similar books for previous versions of OOo for 
> many years, e.g. [3].
> I would like to advocate granting the OOo logo usage to BHV, as such 
> books foster the public visibility of OOo.
> Mr. Ralf Kraft, representing BHV (nit subscribed to this ML) is on CC. 
> (NOTE: The mock-up of the cover is still using the old OOo logo, but I 
> already have been pointing out to Mr. Kraft that using the latest logo 
> [4] would be preferred.)

Hi Peter

My first thought (just that a quick thought) - use of the correct logo
for 3.3, in _all_ pieces of the work product, is not IMO a preference
rather a requirement.

I would hold to this as a requirement so long as the binary being
distributed in fact uses this new logo and Oracle branding - which I
assume it does. 

Understanding that there are long lead times for producing printed
material it still seems that given the correct branding being available
since Feb of 2010, IIRC, that this would be a point worth standing firm

anyway, just what first came to mind.

Best wishes,


> Best regards,
> Peter
> [1] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8268859/OpenOfficeSkribble.jpg
> [2] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8268859/PI-OpenOfficeV33Pro.odt (including 
> ISBN code)
> [3] http://www.amazon.de/dp/3826673476?m=A3JWKAKR8XB7XF&tag=idealoversand-21
> [4] http://about.openoffice.org/index.html#logo

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