Off-topic.  Please drop this line of inquiry and
return to the Subject of this thread, which is
about determining required info for the crypto export

>From: Rob Weir <>
>Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2011 11:07 PM
>Subject: Re: Request dev help: Info for required crypto export declaration
>On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 10:55 PM, Norbert Thiebaud <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Rob Weir <> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 9:38 PM, Norbert Thiebaud <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Rob Weir <> wrote:
>>>>> Looks like LO discussed it briefly [4], but dismissed it under the
>>>>> misapprehension that since they are not in the US, the regulation is
>>>>> irrelevant.
>>>> I'm confused, how is that a 'misapprehension' exactly ?
>>>> Are you concerned about compliance with
>>>> ?
>>>> if not, why not ? are you "under the misapprehension that since [you]
>>>> are not in [France], the regulation is irrelevant." ?
>>> You should take a look at the Wassenaar convention.  There is a lot
>>> more similarity than you might think between French and US
>>> requirements.
>> You're missing the point. The point is: it makes a lot of sens of
>> Apache, being legally established in the US, to comply with the export
>> regulation of its host country...
>> but claiming that not paying attention to US regulation for a
>> non-US-based entity is a 'misapprehension' does not make much sens to
>> me. 'France' here was just a convenient example to illustrate the
>> fallacy of the argument. one could find hundreds of jurisdictions with
>> each their own hoops and quirks... most likely some of them
>> contradicting each others.
>You should read my response to Dennis.  I think you miss the entire
>point of why this paperwork is important.  It has almost zero to do
>with where your webserver is.  That is maybe 5% of the significance of
>the paperwork.  If that is all you see, then you are missing most of
>the big picture.  This is about making the software consumable for
>repackaging and redistribution by large hardware and software
>distributors, who -- like it or not -- tend to be American, not
>French.   If you are thinking only of end users downloading the
>software from your LO webserver in Germany (or wherever it is), then
>you are missing the vast majority of the consumer, public sector,
>academic and enterprise markets.
>>>  The diligence you do to satisfy US regulations will
>>> also help you with the regulations in any other countries you, or your
>>> users, need to work with.
>> The French term that best describe this vision of the world is
>> 'nombrilism' (I'm afraid the english translation doesn't quite does it
>> justice.. too literal, doesn't carry the larger meaning, I think)
>> Norbert

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