On Sep 5, 2011, at 12:07 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

> Ah, deep linking into the Bugzilla.
> Now I understand.  Yes, that is important.
> But the issues have not moved.  They should still be there on the read-only 
> OpenOffice.org Bugzilla.
> What can't be done is further commenting and seeing any changes since the 
> move.
> To stay tied to the live one, the redirection has to be done on the 
> OpenOffice.org site. 
> Also, people may be frustrated to learn that they still can't comment or make 
> new issues because they have to reactivate their registration, if any.
> PLEASE: Is there someone HERE who can change the message on the 
> OpenOffice.org Bugzilla to something like "This instance of Bugzilla is now 
> Read-Only!!  The current Bugzilla is now at the Apache OOo Project, 
> http://issues.apache.org/ooo/


http://openoffice.org/bugzilla -> https://issues.apache.org/ooo

Note the change in protocol.

> ALSO: I think we need to refine the notice that now shows up on every view 
> into issues.apache.org/ooo/ so that arrivals by deep linking know where they 
> are (I.e., at the Apache OOo Bugzilla, not the "live" one.  They are not 
> necessarily going to know why that is important :).  Also, a password is not 
> required simply to access the Bugzilla, it is required to submit and modify 
> issues.
> THEN We need to consider how to redirect.  If we redirect 
> http://openoffice.org/bugzilla/, there is other information that will be lost 
> (such as what is now on that front page and all of the information on other 
> pages that leads to that and other pages).
> QUESTION: Is there anyone HERE who knows how to do that successfully THERE 
> without breaking something else?  Ideally, it would look like the Apache 
> Bugzilla is now simply sitting in place of the original OpenOffice.org one.  
> But we need to be able to revert if we mess it up.  And we will need to do 
> considerable housekeeping to keep visitors from being confused or giving up 
> on what appears to be a mess.
> I assume that updating Forum pages is easy.  I am concerned about the web 
> pages of the site that are all about OpenOffice.org Bugzilla.

For the website I have a sed script that is intended to be used to change urls 
- ooo/site/trunk/tools/urlrewrite.sed

It currently only goes as far as remapping urls for the openoffice.org projects 
as sub-folders of the podling site. A similar script would be used when we 
decide how and how much goes to an Apache hosted openoffice.org.

So, I am adding 


> - Dennis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: FR web forum [mailto:o...@athena.apache.org] 
> Sent: Monday, September 05, 2011 11:14
> To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Announcing Apache ooo Bugzilla on OpenOffice.org Lists
>> On the English and Spanish forums (I cannot talk for the others) the
>> "how to report bugs and suggestions" tutorials are updated with the
>> new bugzilla address. 
> Ditto for French forum :-)
> But as I said before. We have many posts with links tagged Issue that point 
> to the old qa.oo.o
> So an automatic redirection will be nice.

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