Hi Mathias,

On Saturday, 2011-09-10 21:57:05 +0200, Mathias Bauer wrote:

> >> and i completely forgot to mention that i've got a linear MQ patch
> >> series applying against OOO340 that contains the following:
> >> 
> >> ooo340fixes
> >> mingwport35
> >> 
> >> ause131
> >> ause130
> >> writerfilter10
> >> gnumake4
> >> sd2gbuild
> > 
> > Nice, will you apply and commit them?
> These cws were not planned to be integrated into 3.4. Perhaps we should
> stick to that?!

Of course, yes, I didn't mean to apply them _now_. However, ooo340fixes
sounds as if it was meant for OOO340 but didn't get a 3.4 release target
yet? I didn't inspect it.


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