On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 9:48 AM, Armin Le Grand <armin.le.gr...@me.com> wrote:
> On 20.09.2011 15:33, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 20.09.2011 14:37, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> ...
>>> What do others think about a structure where we have "ext_sources"
>>> besides
>>> "trunk".
>>> incubator/ooo/trunk
>>> incubator/ooo/ext_source
>>> ...

So are we saying we would never need to branch or tag these files?

For example, suppose we release AOOo 3.4.0, and then later we release AOOo 4.0.

Then someone finds a serious security flaw in AOOo 3.4.0, and we
decide to release an AOOo 3.4.1 as well as a AOOo 4.0.1.

Would we be able to do this?  What if the flaw was related to code in

And if not us, in the project, what if some "downstream consumer" of
AOOo 3.4.0 wants to rebuild 3.4.0 later, for a patch or whatever.  But
we've already updated ext_sources for AOOo 4.0?

In other words, how do we track, in SVN, a compatible set of matching
trunk/ and ext_source/ revisions, so we (or someone else) can recreate
any released version of AOOo?


>> I like this idea.
>>  From a developer point of view I only have to checkout "ext_sources"
>> once and reference it from all my "trunks" using the already existing
>> configure-switch 'with-external-tar="<path to ext_sources>"'
> +1
> Also, hopefully ext_sources will not change too much (after a consolidation
> phase) and it's mostly binaries, thus not too well suited for a repository.
> Let's not extend our main repository with those binaries, please.
>> Best regards, Oliver.
> Regards,
>        Armin
> --

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