> Indeed the ODMA content provider was never built in a regular build. The
> project could be built manually, in case someone wanted to test or use
> it. In fact it never was more than a "nice try".

As I think I already told on this list in some other thread related to
ODMA, over at go-oo we did build the ODMA content provider, with some
minor patches to make it build & work, and included it at least in the
Novell Edition of OOo (for Windows). And now then in LibreOffice we
continue to build it. It did work, more or less, hopefully still does,
but yeah, it isn't a feature that we would love, at least not from a
technical point of view.

As always in everything related to OOo's "content providers", also in
the ODMA one how to handle locking etc is somewhat hard to understand,
at least if you don't understand all the underlying concepts and data
structures in OOo.

Just consider this legendary comment: "Schreibt den aktuellen Inhalt
in das Medium rMedium. Ist das Zielmedium kein Storage, so wird ueber
ein temporaeres Medium gespeichert, sonst direkt, da das Medium
transacted geschaltet ist, wenn wir es selbst geoeffnet haben und
falls wir Server sind entweder der Container einen transacted Storage
zur Verfuegung stellt oder selbst einen temporaeren Storage erzeugt


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