Ariel Constenla-Haile schrieb:
Hello Regina,

nice to see you here :)

On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 09:56:09PM +0200, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi all,

I have download the source via 'svn co'

working with svn is a pain once you are used to Mercurial or Git.
Besides, it takes a lot of space, compared to a git-svn clone.
Many on the list are using this last one instead of svn; the steps are
documented in this thread:$6of$

Here are the steps I take:
I like having different repos for trunk/main and trunk/l10n, so:

mkdir trunk
cd trunk
git svn clone  --revision 1183367:HEAD
git svn clone  --revision 1166306:HEAD

you can get the latest revision for the --revision switch reading the
"Rev." column in

     extras/     r1166306
     main/       r1183367

If you are going to make changes, IMO the best is to use git branch

cd trunk/main
git checkout -b patches

creates a branch named "patches" and switches to it.
Once you've done your changes, add the modified files and commit them.
You can generate patches with git diff or git format-patch.

To update the repo (all changes must be committed first), do

git svn rebase

That sounds to be a suitable workflow for me.

But now I don't know how to start. There is neither a 'configure'
nor a ''.

the configure script does not belong to the source tree anymore, you
have to regenerate it (for better, each time you rebase)

cd trunk/main

autoconf is available in cygwin, use the setup tool to install it.

Once generated the configure script, proceed as usual.


It works for me. Thanks for the description. I have got a build now (after 6 hours).

I can start each module but I get an error message when closing the application.

Kind regards

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