On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 1:17 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton
<dennis.hamil...@acm.org> wrote:
> +1 on fixing the page at OpenOffice.org.

So who can do this?  or better yet, who can give me site-wide edit
rights so I can make this change, and such other changes that the
project may ask for.

It is one thing for us to be blocked by hard technical tasks that
require rare skills and knowledge.  It is another thing when we are
blocked and cannot accomplish a trivial task because we lack

>  - Dennis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob Weir [mailto:robw...@apache.org]
> Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 09:55
> To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: "Apache Disavows Team OpenOffice.org e.V."
> New article out by Brian Profitt on IT World:
> http://www.itworld.com/it-managementstrategy/213997/apache-disavows-team-openofficeorg-ev
> He has a good catch here that this page is still calling for donations
> to Team OpenOffice:
> http://contributing.openoffice.org/donate.html
> Is there anyone who can change this page *immediately*?  I don't think
> this is something we should wait until after we migrate the wiki.  The
> information on the page now is wrong, misleading and confuses the
> Apache statements on fundraising.
> I'd recommend replacing all the text on that page with a simple statement:
> "Apache projects do not solicit funds directly.  However, the Apache
> Software Foundation graciously accepts donations of all sizes" (or
> other such words as the mentors may suggest) and to put a link to:
> http://www.apache.org/foundation/contributing.html
> -Rob

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