On 10/19/2011 11:35 AM, Martin Hollmichel wrote:

obviously there was not too much knowledge about the former role of Team
OpenOffice.org and the relationship among Team OOo and Apache is not
really defined right now. I hope the header of this message does not
mean that no further communication between Apache and Team OOo is desired ?

No - we definitely want to hear more about Team OpenOffice.org e.V., especially how you'd like to volunteer to contribute here at the Apache OpenOffice podling. As I've mentioned in replies privately, yes, we do want to hear from you - but on our normal mailing lists.

As Ross notes in a separate reply, the title of this thread is a copy of the title of a news article someone wrote - please know that the author of the article did not contact us for comment on it before publishing. Personally, I was not happy with how he phrased some of the article and I certainly wouldn't have used his title, but hey, it's a news article so I didn't have any say or input into his words.

So - what does your organization do, and how do you want to work with the AOOo podling?

- Shane


Am 17.10.2011 18:54, schrieb Rob Weir:
New article out by Brian Profitt on IT World:


He has a good catch here that this page is still calling for donations
to Team OpenOffice:


Is there anyone who can change this page *immediately*? I don't think
this is something we should wait until after we migrate the wiki. The
information on the page now is wrong, misleading and confuses the
Apache statements on fundraising.

I'd recommend replacing all the text on that page with a simple

"Apache projects do not solicit funds directly. However, the Apache
Software Foundation graciously accepts donations of all sizes" (or
other such words as the mentors may suggest) and to put a link to:


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