Op 18-10-2011 10:23, Ross Gardler schreef:
On 18 October 2011 09:15, floris v<floris...@gmail.com>  wrote:


A vote may be purely ceremonial, but it would kind of make clear how many
people actually care enough for (or against? - dubious English, but you get
the point) the project to vote.
In principle this is true. People would vote +1 to indicate that they
intend to help and +0 to indicate they support the idea but won't be
contributing directly.

In practice though people often vote +1 to indicate support.

If the forum volunteers want to make sure there are enough people
wanting to support the move with action then a vote with a clear
"please only vote +1 if you will be active in the forums in some way"
might be a good idea. Although I would have thought such an activity
would be best carried out in the forums where the currently active
volunteers are. I think it is clear the PPMC will gladly host the
forums and ensure the necessary infrastructure is provided.

However, again I'm not saying *don't* have a vote, just trying to help
the project understand how best to implement the Apache Way. Whether
my words are entirely appropriate to this case is for those doing the
work to decide.

I will observe though that talking about it is wasting even more time ;-)


We have been running the forums for nearly four years, without, to my knowledge, any interference from the host (first Sun, later Oracle). We have always claimed to be independent (that is: we aren't an extension of the customer service dept of Sun or Oracle) and claimed that the developers didn't visit the forums, so that the forums aren't the right place for filing bug reports or feature requests (of course we would link to the issue tracker if we could find an associated report, or file an issue if the reporter finds the task too daunting, and encourage people to vote for it). The most important support that we want from the Apache community is the assurance that the forums are welcome and that Apache is the right place for them.

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