On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 2:22 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
> +0, you are declaring this to be a case of JFDI. I'll expect that the 
> Marketing Team will allow sometime for interested parties to subscribe.

Dave, it sounds like you missed the original discussion about the
list, last week.  There were no objections.   Right now I'm just
cc'ing the list on the request to apmail, which I read was the common
practice.  Not sure if it is Zen enough, or whether the PPMC wants to
invent a new rule here, or whether Dennis wants a solemn covenant
first.  But that is what the Committer's FAQ page recommended.  So I'm
doing it.

The names listed are just those who volunteered to moderate.  Anyone
is welcome to subscribe to the list, once created.  It is a public
list, and there is no time limit for people to join.

> I'm not so sure if this is the time or not, but I don't feel that strongly.
> Consider that a good part of the website migration discussion will end up on 
> ooo-marketing. We'll need to make extra effort to make sure that ooo-dev 
> knows about pertinent details like downloads, support, and api OOo projects. 
> We'll confront this as the case is made. This may turn out to be good for the 
> distinguishing between AOOo and the legacy OOo.

I could just as well see us having an ooo-website mailing list.  The
technical details of the migration of probably of no interest to the
marketing team,  On the other hand, the migration is a one-time
effort,  so it probably doesn't matter much where that discussion


> Regards,
> Dave
> On Oct 18, 2011, at 10:22 AM, Rob Weir wrote:
>> Details in JIRA:   https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-4047
>> Regards,
>> -Rob

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