On 24/10/11 22:58, Rob Weir wrote:
Currently, when you enter a new bug you are given an alphabetical list
of "products", starting with:

aa:     Afar Language Project: Work in and on the Afar language
af:     Afrikaans Language Project--Support, discussions, development of
Afrikaans localization in Afrikaans
am:     Discussions and work in Amharic
api:    This is the application programming interface.
ar:     Arabic native language discussions and material in the native language
ast:    Asturian Language Project: Work in Asturian
az:     Azeri native language discussions and material in the native language
bal:    Balochi Language Project: work on Balochi in Balochi
bg:     Bulgarian language information, resources, discussions,
documentation, localization.

and so on.

See:  https://issues.apache.org/ooo/enter_bug.cgi

A flat list of 200+ categories like this, with no structure, and with
many of the items being rather obscure, makes the UI very hard to use.

Would it be possible to bring all the locale-related categories together, e.g.:


and so on? That way these locale-related issues would be grouped in a
sort would be easier to find (or ignore) by someone entering a new

Or failing that, is there any way to make these be hierarchical?


Or as a minimum we could move the big, easily recognisable items (Wordprocessor, Presentation, Spreadsheet, etc) tot he top of the page?

As I mentioned elsewhere, one of the things I do as part of my day job is to be the admin on our company Bugzilla instance. I'd be happy to step up and see what I can take on-board out of the BZ tasks that we face here.


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