Hi Regina,

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 03:41:35PM +0100, Regina Henschel wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm still testing the new OLE features Armin implemented. I got a
> build from Ariel with
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-ooo-dev/201110.mbox/%3C20111018005157.GB30463%40localhost%3E
> It shows some odd things with presentations.
> (1) ppt with equations give "General input/output error"

I can't reproduce this with ODP files with Math.
It would be helpful if you can upload your test documents somewhere, so
we can all use the same docs to test (I don't have MS Office in my
virtual machine, so I can't test embedding MSO files).

> (2) Own odp shows red x-crosses in presentation mode.
> I do not see this with my own builds, 

(2) is due to the --enable-dbgutil switch

> but my builds do not have full
> OLE support, because I have to disable atl, because atl is not
> possible with MSVC 2008 Express.
> So is there someone out, who can provide me an actual full build to test it?

You can try

* it is a pro-build (no --enable-dbgutil), so you won't see (2) 
* it's an archived version, no installation required. If you need an
  installer, let me know (this will have to wait until tomorrow).

Configure switches:

$ ./configure  --with-external-tar="Y:/ext_sources"
--enable-mysql-connector --with-libmysql-path="C:/ARCHIV~1/MySQL/MYSQLC~1.2"

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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