On 07.11.2011 05:49, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
Thanks Mathias,

I found the ATL headers in the WinDDK/.../inc/atl71/, and libraries
too.  There is also the ATL Reference Guide and other materials
available at MSDN on-line, along with some books in a very dusty
corner of my office shelves.  That is one heck of a dependency.  I
wonder how much of it actually adds to OO.o to do a static binding

It would be interesting to see how much could be replaced by
plain-vanilla COM dependencies.  Not something I will be in any hurry
to dig into though.  Just something to nag my mind while I
concentrate on simpler things first.

Basically ATL is not needed at all - everything could be implemented without it. But at least some of the code in the very low level COM stuff was much easier to write with ATL.

In the former Framework team we have been working on replacing ATL code, but we only finished the task for one library. There's still a lot of work to do.


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