On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Louis Suárez-Potts <lo...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I periodically (read: every day) receive requests from OOo community
> members and OOo users to fix, alter or otherwise change the OOo site
> (www.openoffice.org). These requests include such things as expunging
> private information as well as normal updates.
> As we all know, the old OOo site is pretty much in the past, and we
> are progressively moving to the new.
> But: I'd like to have some more concrete information to provide, and
> ideally, be able to address the requests, too.

Hopefully there is not a lot of personal information on the public
website.  But this does happen, with mailing list archives, for
example.  Apache has a policy for this.  It essentially sets a high
bar for removing information from public archives:


For other information on the website, I'd recommend having them enter
an issue in Bugzilla, classified as the "www" product.  Hopefully
we'll be cutting over to the new Apache-hosted version of these pages
soon, and we can apply requested changes then.

Of course, if there is something of a truly urgent nature, then
escalate that, via ooo-private if appropriate.

> Thanks
> Louis <-the person formerly known as the OOo Community Manager

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