The best place to get an overview on the technical work of decomissioning the Oracle-hosted * sites and reconstructing (or merging, etc.) the pages on ASF hosting is:

Similarly, I'm sure plenty of users have lots of questions about what is happening to the many mailing lists:

Note that the OOOUSERS wiki allows anyone to sign up for an account to make edits; an iCLA is not required.

- Shane

On 2011-11-08 8:38 AM, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
I periodically (read: every day) receive requests from OOo community
members and OOo users to fix, alter or otherwise change the OOo site
( These requests include such things as expunging
private information as well as normal updates.

As we all know, the old OOo site is pretty much in the past, and we
are progressively moving to the new.

But: I'd like to have some more concrete information to provide, and
ideally, be able to address the requests, too.

Louis<-the person formerly known as the OOo Community Manager

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